
原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #589


  • 230809 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 13 分钟 完成格式转抄.
  • 230809 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 37 分钟 完成快译,

What are the new ways to describe your data in pandas 2.0? Will the addition of Apache Arrow to the data back end foster the growth of data interoperability? This week on the show, we talk with pandas core developer Marc Garcia about the release of pandas 2.0.



Arrow 是目标替代 NumPy 的各种数据类型... 参考: pandas 2.0 and the Arrow revolution (part I)


This article shows you how to call foreign C functions from Python. This allows you to call into shared libraries and is similar to how extensions work. The examples use the Steamworks SDK which games use to communicate with Steam.

Python packaging allows for a wide variety of version styles for your packages. This article shows you what is out there and why you might use each.




因为没办法像 JAVA 那样合理扩展成上千人团队, 通常10来人, 什么都作出来了...


当然原文作者鼓吹的是 Rust ..



当然有, 不过, 都没什么名气... 所以, 为什么呢?

CPython 性能其实是足够的;



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

In this video course, you’ll learn how Python’s filter() works and how to use it effectively in your programs. You’ll also learn how to use list comprehension and generator expressions to replace filter() and make your code more Pythonic.



可以是可以, 不过,调试太困难了...


Pandas is the most widely used Python library for data manipulation, and it allows you to access and manipulate data efficiently. Its indexing techniques can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of your queries. Learn how.


所以, 本质上还是 DBA 哪...


This article shows you how to overload the arithmetic operators in Python with dunder methods. It includes examples for add, radd, and iadd, while also outlining how to deal with error conditions in dunder methods.

This step-by-step article shows you how to add multiple language support to your Django projects. It covers the difference between localization and internationalization, and how to use both in the template engine.

In this tutorial, you’ll find the right tools to help you download files from URLs with Python and manage the data retrieval process. You’ll cover data streaming, thread pools, and asynchronous downloads.



不过, 如果量大了, 还是使用类似 wget 的第三方专业工具来完成.. Py 进行指令生成就好


In this tutorial, you’ll explore the Python operator module and its role in functional programming. You’ll code several examples of using both operator-equivalent and higher-order functions in programs.


operator )

This article talks about scraping passenger count data from Wikipedia and building visualizations for it. It uses wikitextparser for scraping, DuckDB for data, and rich for the terminal interface.



基于duckdb 完成的数据可视化


Get started with Apache Kafka to produce & consume messages with Python. All this in a Polylith workspace, for a nice developer experience and to easily re-use existing code.

This is an online course with an interesting flow chart guiding you through lessons, with optional tangents and core concepts. It even includes an instructor’s guide.



有个清晰的路线图.. 和蟒营®当年课程类似...


This article is a very deep dive into how Amazon S3 Storage was created, and the complexities involved in operating a system at that scale.


呵, 这个先进了...



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


国货, 要 node 配套, 不是 htmx 方向..



Django ORM 最大的问题是无法优化吧... 如果没有事先由 DBA 直接在数据库中完成优化, ORM 迭代出来的数据库结构已经不可控了?




8bit 艺术重要工具... 支持输出为多种格式文件, 包含 .svg,.webp...


📆🐍 活动/大会

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心



❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

      () /  → #  \ \/
        '_   ⏡   _'
        \ '--∽--' <

...act by ferris-actor v0.2.4 (built on 23.0303.201916)


Happy Pythoning!

Copyright © 2023 PyCoder’s Weekly, All rights reserved.



开始有小伙伴加入承担 pythonisa 周刊的翻译, 从来没提醒过, 可就这么默默坚持下来了...


[皱眉]每周新闻资讯 怎么能错过 
    what f**k 还能这样玩? 还有这东西?

无法同意更多... 很多社区贡献看起来辛苦, 其实受益最多的, 就是主动承担者也.

所以++> 锈周刊 -> Weekly :: China

好文笔,感叹号年度配额: 2/3



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就是四处 是也乎,( ̄▽ ̄) 的那个大妈:

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私自嗯哼: ZoomQuiet (订阅号: ZoomQuiet42)
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    CPyUG (mailling-list: python-cn@googlegroups.com)
    PyChina (订阅号: PyChinaOrg)
        GDG珠海 (订阅号: GDG-ZhuHai)


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