FastAPI 和 Pydantic 的未来一片光明

原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #478


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  • 210623 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 37 分钟 完成格式转抄.

One of the challenges of working with data is knowing how to manipulate the data format for a particular analysis. And there’s no single correct format. You need to know how to melt, pivot, and transpose data into a format that fits whatever you’re analyzing. If you enjoy this article, be sure to also check out Stefanie’s Pandas Workshop.


真.从来没在 Excel 中用过 数据透视表, 应该还是翻译的问题...


Not long ago there was some chatter on the internet about a change in Python 3.10 that would impact Python projects that check types at runtime. The discussion centered around FastAPI and Pydantic and had some folks worried about the future of those projects. In this article, FastAPI’s creator explains what the discussion was all about and why the future of FastAPI and Pydantic remains bright.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the unique treatment of complex numbers in Python. Complex numbers are a convenient tool for solving scientific and engineering problems. You’ll experience the elegance of using complex numbers in Python with several hands-on examples.






Recursion can be a useful technique, but it has its limitations. Recursion can make code difficult to reason about and, in Python, recursion depth is limited. The accepted answer in this Stack Overflow thread introduces a clever technique for transforming recursion to iteration.


因为当年老爹 图样图森破 哪...



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

The popularity of Python is continuing to grow Developers across the globe are embracing the language. How is Python being used in all of these different countries? How does an organization like the Python Software Foundation (PSF) work toward the goals in its mission statement for supporting and growing this international community? In this episode of the Real Python Podcast, you’ll meet Marlene Mhangami, a PSF board member and part of the Diversity and Inclusion Work Group.



Python 社区还在高速增长, 是如何在越来越多国家开展其增长/宣传/教学的?



In some traditional academic settings, computer science is taught without regard for software engineering best practices. Yet many computer science graduates find their way into the software workforce where they discover that some of the tools of the trade, such as git, can be confusing to work with. This article offers a quick introduction to git in language that a computer scientist will understand.



Git 其实就是分布式文件系统, 当然, 每个领域的工程师都可以有自己的见解...



In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to apply linear algebra concepts to practical problems, how to work with vectors and matrices using Python and NumPy, how to model practical problems using linear systems, and how to solve linear systems using scipy.linalg.





Memory problems can be frustrating. They’re hard to diagnose and fix, and memory issues in Python applications can be especially frustrating thanks to the language’s garbage collection system. In this article, you’ll learn a six-step process for troubleshooting memory problems that the EvalML team used to solve a tricky problem with their library.


EvalML 团队分享的 Py 内存调试技巧


Python and JavaScript are two of the most popular programming languages in the world. In this course, you’ll take a deep dive into the JavaScript ecosystem by comparing Python vs JavaScript. You’ll learn the jargon, language history, and best practices from a Pythonista’s perspective.


这种比较太欺负人了, NPM hall 根本就不是一般硬盘受的了的...


不过话说回来, 为了 洽饭, 任何开发技术不都得学习哪...


Full-text search can be challenging to set up and maintain. Luckily, the Postgres database supports full-text search and Django can use it out-of-the-box. Learn how to add both basic and full-text search to your Django applications in this in-depth tutorial.


Pg 内置全文搜索真的足够了.. 多数场景中



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code



Nice...这种图形脚本 DSL 最舒服了



出来了, AI 相关挑战

Python Programming Puzzles/P3



Unity 生态果断也被 Python 亲切入侵





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Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心


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❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)


独创 logging + debug 模块



老司机开新坑, 时隔10年, 沈游侠再次开声, 值得关注:




私人初体验, 现在 http/https 资源混用浏览器越来越傲娇了, 最好有工具可以统一迁移...



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