
原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #444


  • 201028 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 42 分钟 完成快译
  • 201028 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 37 分钟 完成格式转抄.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about the Python modulo operator (%). You’ll look at the mathematical concepts behind the modulo operation and how the modulo operator is used with Python’s numeric types. You’ll also see ways to use the modulo operator in your own code.



取余, 其实有很多使用技巧, 可以用在神奇的场景中完成快速计算.


Core contributer Mark Shannon has a plan to increase CPython’s performance fivefold in four stages of updates.



嗯哼, 这对 Python 是否算是一种内卷行为?


How can you hide, or isolate, Python code in an application from potential bad actors? Learn several methods for doing so and why you should never run thirs party code in the same Python interpreter as your applications.

Do you have gaps in your Python learning path? If you’re like me, you may have followed a completely random route to learn Python. This week on the show, David Amos is here to talk about the release of the Real Python book, “Python Basics: A Practical Introduction to Python 3”. The book is designed not only to get beginners up to speed but also to help fill in the gaps many intermediate learners may still have.



老朋友, 老程序猿.


Congratulations to all the new fellows!



Mark Shannon has a plan to speed up CPython roughly 5 times over four stages. The community opines.


等等, 私人项目? 不是 PSF 官方的?

) 视


RIAA 是个什么组织来的?



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

If you’re new to Python, you might find yourself confused by some of the situations described in this article. Learn about five mistakes you could make, why they happen, and how to fix them.





“There are many ways we can create systems with layered architecture; one of the more popular techniques is to leverage Structural Design Patterns to create explicit relationships between classes. This post explores how the Facade Pattern can be used to wrap third-party integrations to improve software design.”

Binary search is a classic algorithm in computer science. In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn how to implement this algorithm in Python. You’ll learn how to leverage existing libraries as well as craft your own binary search Python implementation.



等等, 好象硅谷剧情中核心技术就是对压缩音频的搜索?


Sequence alignment is a method of pairing elements of two sequences under some constraints. It can be used to analyze sequences of biological data, such as nucleic acid sequences. Learn how solve the sequence alignment problem in Python using a brute-force method and a more efficient method that uses dynamic programming.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to get the most out of your Real Python membership using the community Slack. You’ll learn some lesser-known features of Slack and see how to communicate your technical problems more effectively.



嗯哼? 最后还是选择了 Slack , 目测是拿到了联盟价格.


当然, 收费的.


Higher kinded types (HKT) are a notion in type theory that can be really helpful in functional programming and typing tensors and matrices. HKTs aren’t supported yet in Python, but you can emulate them.

Learn how to automate Photoshop using Python and the Photoshop COM programming interface.


毕竟对美的追求是固定的, 又有 Py 接口, 一切就有了可能



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


果断复活的好工具, youtube-dl 昨天被举报删库后, 这个同类工具就立即火了.




叕一个算法可视化玩具, 将算法可视化, 对于学习和应用有什么帮助呢?






📆🐍 活动/大会

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心


SciPy 一个模块都能有年会了?



❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)



好文笔,感叹号年度配额: 2/3



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就是四处 是也乎,( ̄▽ ̄) 的那个大妈:

私自嗯哼: ZoomQuiet (订阅号: ZoomQuiet42)
公开课程: 蟒营 (订阅号: Mainium)
历史吐糟: Chaos42 (订阅号 PythoniCamp)

as 创始组织者:
    PyChina (订阅号: PyChinaOrg)
        GDG珠海 (订阅号: GDG-ZhuHai)
        TFUG珠海 (订阅号: ZH_TFUG)

NN 4180



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