可以在 Zoom/Skype 中使用的替身

原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #417


  • 200422 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 42 分钟 完成快译
  • 200422 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 37 分钟 完成格式转抄.

The beta release of pip version 20.1 has dropped and included the next-generation dependency resolver! The resolver is currently turned off by default because it’s unstable and not ready for everyday use. The pip mainainters do encourage users to try it out, however, and feedback on the new resolver can be submitted by filling out a survey.


不过默认关闭着... )

“Thanks to [the] generosity of individual and corporate donors and decreasing PyCon 2020 expenses, we estimate that the PSF will now only need $141,713 from its financial reserve to get through 2020.”


嗯哼? 老爹在任时, 从没见这种嗯哼?


Python 3’s pathlib module has taken some time to gain traction since it was introduced in Python 3.4. After all, the os.path module had been the de facto tool for working with paths in Python. Why change code that works? Learn why pathlib is a better choice for working with file paths in Python in this thorough tutorial.

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to take your testing to the next level with pytest. You’ll cover intermediate and advanced pytest features such as fixtures, marks, parameters, and plugins. With pytest, you can make your test suites fast, effective, and less painful to maintain.



不过, 传统场景还是 unittest 为先吧?


“Python 2.7.18 is a special release. I refer, of course, to the fact that ‘2.7.18’ is the closest any Python version number will ever approximate e, Euler’s number. Simply exquisite!”


放心, 俺一定会忠诚再用 42 年的...


Learn how to take your Python coding interview skills to the next level and use Python’s built-in functions and modules to solve problems faster and more easily.







When his son gets assigned a menial and repetitive task for his math homework, his Dad does the only reasonable thing and introduces him to Python.




“So here’s the thing. I’m building some cool web apps and have a pretty good understanding of what I’m doing. However, I always feel kinda guilty because I didn’t build 100% of it from scratch. I used various libraries to achieve certain functionality. It’s like I cheated my way to completion by using these libraries. Is this normal or am I overthinking?”

Are there certain situations where one is more useful than the other?


其实并无差别, 但是, 程序猿为了少打字, 真的是, 什么事儿都敢干的...



嗯哼, 隔壁也分析了, 其实运行速度只比 C++ 原创的慢一点儿...



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

If you’ve used a web framework in Python, you’ve probably used a decorator before. But do you know how they work? Do you know how to make your own? Sam Ireland introduces decorators in this beginner-friendly article by first exploring a typical problem in which decorators arise, then gently walking you through a solution.

In this series, Mara Bos — creator of the inline-python Rust crate — walks you through developing a Rust crate for mixing Python into your Rust code from scratch. Part 1 teaches you how to work with Python from Rust, create macros, and handle white space.


开始了, Python 从设计之初就非常重视 C 扩展, 以便可以嵌入到未来任何生态中,

果然, Rust 也逃不了的...


Finite state machines are a mathematical model of computation with numerous applications in both hardware and software. In this tutorial, you’ll learn what a finite state machine is and how to create one in Python using coroutines.

Building a data science library is walking between two worlds: data science is dominated by Python notebooks, a fast and convenient way to experiment and demonstrate code in the browser, while software engineering focuses on making software reliable and repeatable. Learn how StellarGraph, a graph machine learning library built on Tensorflow and Keras, uses continuous integration to keep the benefits of both.

“HPy is a joint project which is being developed by PyPy, CPython and Cython developers. It aims to design a better C API for writing Python extensions which is more friendly to alternative implementations and which would allow CPython itself more freedom to experiment (e.g. by using a real GC instead of refcounting).”


大家无论多喜欢 Python ,生产中, 还是得和 C 系统交流, 所以...


Workin on a large project means lots of context switches. During a single day, you may need to do review others’ pull requests, respond to code reviews on your own pull requests, work on features, apply small patches. Huon Wilson shares his workflow for minimizing the pain of these context switches using git worktrees and pyenv.



嗯哼? 这脑洞可以哪...


“ndindex is a new library that provides high level objects representing the various objects that can index NumPy arrays. These objects automatically canonicalize under the assumption of NumPy indexing semantics, and can be manipulated with a uniform API.”

In this tutorial, you’ll learn all about five different sorting algorithms in Python from both a theoretical and a practical standpoint. You’ll also learn several related and important concepts, including Big O notation and recursion.





Learn how to use the GitHub API to scrape GitHub organizations that you contribute to and create styled components that you can embed on your website.


当 github 变成实际意义上的 程序猿 身份证.



不是不可以, 只是没必要.



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


Tk 永远不死.






GeForce GTX 1080 Ti: 33 fps
GeForce GTX 1070: 15 fps
Mac OSX (MacBook Pro 2018; no GPU): very slow ~1 fps





可以在 RPi 上运行都...



clj 是在 JVM 上运行的 Lisp, 能自由调用 JAVA 的一切模块; 但是, Lisp 语法还是很囧的, 所以, 就将 py 嵌入到 clj 中来融合到 JAVA 世界...

等等, 不是有 Jython 嘛?



ndarrays 太老了, 应该升级了...于是... )


机械视觉太火了, 以往都是 C++ 的 OpenCV 为基础, Py 看不下去了, 然后...


📆🐍 活动/大会

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心


❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

101camp8py 即将(4.27)开始报名(能开发票 ;-)



NN 3991

好文笔,感叹号年度配额: 1/3



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就是四处 是也乎,( ̄▽ ̄) 的那个大妈:

私自嗯哼: ZoomQuiet (订阅号: ZoomQuiet42)
公开课程: 蟒营 (订阅号: Mainium)
历史吐糟: Chaos42 (订阅号 PythoniCamp)

as 核心组织者:
    PyChina (订阅号: PyChinaOrg)
        GDG珠海 (订阅号: GDG-ZhuHai)
        TFUG珠海 (订阅号: ZH_TFUG)


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