一起寻找完美的 Python 代码编辑器吧?

原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #408


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Find your perfect Python development setup with this review of Python IDEs and code editors. Writing Python using IDLE or the Python REPL is great for simple things, but not ideal for larger programming projects. With this course you'll get an overview of the most common Python coding environments to help you make an informed decision.


真蟒引战技巧越来越好了, 无论计算机发展到哪儿, 嘦说最好的编辑器, 一定一地鳮毛的


Vim/Thonny/repl.it/Visual Studio Code/PyCharm/Jupyter



Python does not natively support function overloading (having multiple functions with the same name.) See how you can implement and add this functionality using common language constructs like decorators and dictionaries. Related discussion on Hacker News.

"Python currently requires that all decorators consist of a dotted name, optionally followed by a single call. This PEP proposes removing these limitations and allowing decorators to be any valid expression." For example, this would become a valid decoration: @buttons[1].clicked.connect


老爹支持的一则草案 希望将类似:

button_1 = buttons[1]
def eggs():


def eggs():


A collection of testing maxims, tips, and gotchas, with a few pytest-specific notes. Things to do and not to do when it comes to writing automated tests.


深切体会过, 好的测试, 必须有好的可测试代码配合. 否则, 太南了


Adding more strict typing around the edges of a Python system for better error messages and design, using Pydantic and mypy. Interesting read!

The author of the profiling API improvements coming to Python 3.9 demonstrates the feature and explains how it was added to CPython.

How to make cool looking plotter art with NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib.








Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Brett Slatkin is a principal software engineer at Google and the author of the Python programming book Effective Python. Join us as we discuss Brett's experience working with Python at Google, refactoring, and the challenges he faced when writing the second edition of his book.



好久不见的访谈, 嗯哼? 说起来咱们自己的-> 捕蛇者说, 自从在 zhihu 被和谐后, 也再没更新?


"In this post, I will try to gather all my thoughts on the topic of automatic code formatting and why I personally don't like this approach."

Learn about managing resources for test execution, while building an asynchronous WebSocket client-server application that tracks them using Python and Sanic.


Uniquely Managing Test Execution Resources



"Recently, I had a great interaction with one of my coworkers that I think is worth sharing, with the hope you may learn a bit about refactoring and Python."





In the last tutorial in this series, you learned how to format string data using the string modulo operator. In this tutorial, you'll see two more items to add to your Python string formatting toolkit. You'll learn about Python's string format method and the formatted string literal, or f-string.





"In this post I will walk through the process of building decent search functionality for a small to medium sized website using Django and Postgres."


虽然是老文章, 但是, 管用哪


Useful Python tools for linking record sets and fuzzy matching on text fields. These concepts can also be used to deduplicate data.

Use TensorFlow and Machine Learning to classify Twilio texts into two categories: "loves me" and "loves me not."

Explore the itertools and more_itertools Python libraries and see how to leverage them for data processing.


叕一则 itertools 模块的宣传稿, 只是为什么大家都没用起来?


Find and fix the bugs and code smells in your Python code with the popular tools for analyzing code.


之前针对 Py2 的代码静态分析工具, 现在都得重新嗯哼了..



A guide to comprehensions, generators and useful functions and classes.


叕一个自动代码构造机, DL 的,,, 之前几个共同结论都是, 删除光代码就没 bug 了...

<-- 江湖传说 )


当年说 PHP/Ruby/Node.js 的文章, 一字不改, 就替换为 Python 也没什么大毛病的...



叕一位 莱昂纳多




Eric S. Raymond 名家吐糟哪... 值得认真刷, 这位可是发明开源这个概念的牛人, 几篇 百万+ 的爆款文章, 流传至今.



Excel 几乎是万能的, 所以想自动解读, 也是门艺术行为了



过犹不及, 哪儿都适行.



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


PyCharm 也有插件系统? 这真心很惊喜哪, 不过, 也晩了 VSCode 几年?


The Deadsnakes PPA project builds older and newer Python versions not found on a specific Ubuntu release. Originally based on the Debian source packages, they can still be built on Debian and not just on Ubuntu.


大 Debian 生态, 工具主力还是 Python 哪



叕一个 Property-Based 工具, 看来 Py 3 新语言特性的味道被大家慢慢品出来了



Django 大生态已经有这么多扩展了,还是有创新机会的



叕一个游戏引擎, 疫情之下, 宅家最安全





📆🐍 活动/大会

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心


❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

(( ̄▽ ̄):


20.2.24 马上截止
20.3.1  正式开课
20.4.12 按时结束



2020.2.15 CSDN 新年首次线上技术峰会, 抢鲜版, 本地单录音大妈 solo 版本播客节目 ;-)


报道,非虚构与个人叙述(持续更新) Memory of 2020 nCov: Media Coverage, Non-fiction Writings, and Individual Narratives (Continuously updating)


可能是最考验 M$ 政府关系能力的项目, 这个开源新闻实录项目, 综合使用现有工具, 快速将 NCP 历史, 用普遍人的目光固化在版本历史海洋中, 但是,万一呢? 期望大家及时, 自觉分散 clone 到全球每一个硬盘中, 42年后, 我们才可能有真实的 snap 来回顾.


├─archive                          文章的存档,目前提供jpg格式
│  └─jpg
│    ├─1.jpg
│    └─...
├─data                             csv格式的文章数据
│  └─data.csv
├─docs                             一个用于展示README的 Github Page
├─template                         README模板
│  └─README.handlebars
├─utils                            构建README的工具
│  ├─generateReadmeFromCsv.js
│  └─...
└─README.md                        主文档



NN 3928


大妈的多重宇宙 - YouTube



