Guido 老爹义劝快乐的为 Python 提贡献吧

原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #407


  • 200205 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 42 分钟 完成快译
  • 200205 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 17 分钟 完成格式转抄.

"Use Flake8, pytest, and Sphinx in your current Python project. Also evaluate pre-commit, black, and Pylint. For your next project, consider adding poetry and Dependabot."




You missed mypy. Simpler docs use markdown, not ReST (Sphinx). Black is overrated unless your team argues over style a lot. You don't need Pylint if you're using flake8. Never heard of poetry or dependabot. And you should use a CI solution, e.g. Travis-CI, to run your tests.


Learn about libraries that can be used for playing and recording sound in Python, such as PyAudio and python-sounddevice. You'll also see code snippets for playing and recording sound files and arrays, as well as for converting between different sound file formats.



其实吧, 通过 shell 调用专业工具来完成实际工作就好.


Understand GROUP BY in Django ORM by comparing QuerySets and SQL side by side. If SQL is where you are most comfortable, this is the Django GROUP BY tutorial for you.

Extending a broken TV's lifetime with Python code and some custom shaders. Impressive!

Hints and tips for getting started with Mypy and introducing it to existing projects.



"I put in a FOIA request to the NSA for their Python training materials and got back a 400-page printout of their COMP 3321 training course. So, I scanned and OCR'd it. Here is a PDF (warning: 118 MB)"


神人, 直接搞到了 国安内部的 Python 学习资料并 OCR 共享了出来;

然后万能的网友们友好的指出,早已在 github 发布出来了



老爹终于忍不住了, 用 Dropbox 的只读文档形式发布指导:

想为 CPython 贡献很简单,没那么多传说的技能要求:

要懂 C 语言 (错误,你并不用懂 C 语言. 大多标准库都是用 Python 写的. 而且我们也需要人帮忙完善文档)

要懂 Git 和 GitHub (不完全正确. 虽然有一些概念要理解,但入门还是很容易的)

要有10多年的 Python 经验 (不正确. 有个几年 Python 经验,不只局限于numpy和pandas这两个库就可以了)

现在有 7000+ 提案, 选择一个适合自己的开始, 然后, 才可能有然后.

标准协同流程就是 github 的 pull-request 流程, 得用对, 否则, 只会难为到自己.

老爹自己应该工件在 mac 中, 所以, 给出的编译过程就是用 XCode 进行的, 只是, 吐糟-> 一定有各种意外, 比如 openssl 在 macOS 中并不是默认配置.

以及, 千万别用 虚拟环境来编译, 都是坑.

有队友增补了 VSCode 中调试技巧,

最后, 老爹推荐了几个 C代码调试工具:

首先当然是简单的 printf();

然后是GDB (Linux)/lldb (Mac), Windows 中就蒙了...

可以说, 对 Python 这种不小的综合工程, 想进入核心开发, 所要求的技术储备看起来并不多, 也就2页纸的样子; 但是, 其实, 每一项都得经过艰苦/长期的努力, 才可能自如的; 但是, 想想当年, 老爹可真的就是单枪匹马, 独自撸出来的, 现在, 有这么多现成工具/资料/社区可依赖了, 当然也可以哈.



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

"On my Mac, I use the menu bar countless times per day. In this post we will go through the process of creating a custom macOS menu bar app using Python."


macOS 环境, 总是能吸引各种精巧的实现形式, 关键内置的自动化项目, 可以不依赖任何第三方开发库, 就能完成各种事务, 问题是:

为什么是 Apple 公司一直在力图营造对程序猿友好的环境?

jaredks/rumps 构造状态栏工具; 用 py2app 来自动基于 Python 脚本生成 mac 应用;


In this tutorial, you'll explore how to use a Python interface. You'll come to understand why interfaces are so useful and learn how to implement formal and informal interfaces in Python. You'll also examine the differences between Python interfaces and those in other programming languages.



给自身以及其它语言构建友好的界面. 类的狂欢.


"In this work, we provide an overview of the capabilities and development practices of SciPy 1.0 and highlight some recent technical developments."

An assignment expression—also known as the walrus operator—is a new syntax introduced in Python 3.8 to solve a long-standing problem with the language that can cause code duplication.

Python command line arguments are the key to converting your programs into useful and enticing tools that are ready to be used in the terminal of your operating system. In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn their origins, standards, and basics, and how to implement them in your program.



其实, CLI 指令这么复杂, 并不能解决易用性问题:


所以, RESTful 思路也是一个可选择项哪.


"As it turns out, for certain operations NumPy will parallelize operations transparently. And if you're not careful, this can actually slow down your code."


Blues 音乐本质就是哀伤... 代码变慢慢的本质也是...


"sys.getsizeof is almost never what you want, for two reasons: it doesn't count all the bytes, and it counts the wrong bytes."


所以, 编程自古以来最大的难题, 也可能是无解的难题就是:


也许只有 七枝桶 文字,才能真正承载永远正确的命名.


How to call await on multiple functions in Python using the asyncio package.


Kaggle 也是个奇迹, 以纯粹的竞赛组织,只是附加上了开源共同体的气质, 就变成了全球 AI 代码黑洞, 所有先进思想/模块, 都首先在此展示/传播/学习...




鼠与蟒 这个网站一直非常有爱, 撰写的一系列小书更加有爱, 再次推荐.



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


叕见 海德拉 好名儿太难得, 但是,也不能反复用哪



3D 模型本身就是数学生成的, 对这种空间意义进行深度学习, 那不就是对 3D 网络游戏可以进一步理解和控制->自动生成?



from diagrams import Diagram
from import EC2
from import RDS
from import ELB

with Diagram("Web Service", show=False):
    ELB("lb") >> EC2("web") >> RDS("userdb")



基于 Graphviz , 但是, 用 Py 脚本形式, 快速生成漂亮的示意图, 果断粉上;



简洁的重试机制支持, 来提高系统可靠性...

嗯哼? 系统可能性就这么简单可以提高了?








纯Python 完成.


📆🐍 活动/大会

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心


❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

(( ̄▽ ̄):


20.2.24 报名截止
20.3.1  正式开课
20.4.12 按时结束


报道,非虚构与个人叙述(持续更新) Memory of 2020 nCov: Media Coverage, Non-fiction Writings, and Individual Narratives (Continuously updating)


可能是最考验 M$ 政府关系能力的项目, 这个开源新闻实录项目, 综合使用现有工具, 快速将 NCP 历史, 用普遍人的目光固化在版本历史海洋中, 但是,万一呢? 期望大家及时, 自觉分散 clone 到全球每一个硬盘中, 42年后, 我们才可能有真实的 snap 来回顾.


├─archive                          文章的存档,目前提供jpg格式
│  └─jpg
│    ├─1.jpg
│    └─...
├─data                             csv格式的文章数据
│  └─data.csv
├─docs                             一个用于展示README的 Github Page
├─template                         README模板
│  └─README.handlebars
├─utils                            构建README的工具
│  ├─generateReadmeFromCsv.js
│  └─...
└─                        主文档



NN 3921


大妈的多重宇宙 - YouTube



