原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #382


This guide will walk you through the decisions you need to make when customizing your development environment for working with Python: shells, terminal emulators, version management (pyenv), virtual environments & pipenv, package management, and more.



pyenv 是正确的开始.


Instagram's back-end is a massive Django app with several million lines of code. This post is about how they've used linting and automated refactoring to help manage the scale of their Python codebase.


这之前 google 已经完成更加大规模静态自动化分析... 只是, 故事主人没怎么说...


In this article you'll learn how to write custom profilers, and in particular profilers that will help you pinpoint the places in your code where it just sits there waiting.

Django, Flask, Pyramid, and many, many others—get an overview of what's available so you can choose the right Python framework for your web development project.

How to use Python and Sanic to handle webhook events from GitHub in continuous build systems.

PyCon 2020 takes place April 15–23, 2020 in Pittsburgh, PA.


加油 PyCon2020China , 目测咱们的 11月能上线就是巨大的进步... 以往都是下半年了,才上线当年的...





作者预言国庆之后将超过 20万.




目测因为其它老语言早已形成了坚固的思想框架,以及对应强大的教育和工具体系, 根本写不出非 JAVA/C 味儿的代码;

当然, 也有另外一个解释, 因为其它语言用户基数更大, 无论写成什么味儿都算它们自己的.

而, Python 为了宣传, 只能创造性发明 Python-style 这种嗯哼来嗯哼



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Learn how to do simplify your data preprocessing work using the Pyjanitor package. More specifically, you'll learn how to: Add a column to a Pandas dataframe, remove missing values, remove an empty column, and clean up column names.

Get equipped to make production-quality, presentation-ready Python histogram plots with a range of choices and features. It's your one-stop shop for constructing and manipulating histograms with Python's scientific stack.

Slack Python SDK v2 is now available to help you build Slack apps faster with less complexity. Built for Python 3, you can now use new features (like type hints and return types) to help you accomplish more while coding less. Looking for a tutorial or migration guide? It all lives here →




"You can now use your EV3 Brick to unleash the power of Python programming using MicroPython. Simply install the EV3 MicroPython image onto any micro SD card and boot up your EV3 Brick from it to start programming straight away."


LEGO EV3 什么都好, 就是一个受不了 -> 贵


Learn how to make a Discord bot in Python and interact with several APIs. See how to handle events, accept commands, validate and verify input, and all the basics that can help you create useful and exciting automations!



何时能有 qq/wx bot?


"In this article I demonstrate a novel Node.js package named PyNode used to invoke Python code within a Node.js application and, more importantly, receive Python return types in the calling Node.js application."


在 wasm 之后, 还有 JS 什么事儿嘛?


Python support for Azure Functions is now generally available and ready to host your production workloads across data science and machine learning, automated resource management, and more.


在 Lambda 支持7年之后?


A curated list of practical business machine learning (BML) and business data science (BDS) applications for Accounting, Customer, Employee, Legal, Management and Operations.


嚓, 商用 ML 列表, 这简直就是 AI 落地姿势索引表...


How to give your Python scripts a full-featured Command-Line Interface (CLI) using the click library.


pocoo 出品必属佳品...

用过, 只是也得看场景, 有大量本地系统工具使用的话, 还是 fabric 以及后续 invoke 方便...


Learn how to implement a simple scene boundary and shot transition detector with OpenCV and Python.

Explains a simple implementation of a switching hub using software defined networking with Python.

How far along has Mozilla come in the Python 3 migration?


Mozilla 工程中有 3500+ Python 脚本,都是 Py2 的... 已经努力很久了, 但是, 目测还得一年才可能安全迁移到 Py3...




等等, 谁能定义一下什么是:真的写的好?

The Architecture of Open Source Applications


回答中 Django/Flask 直接开始 PK...好象都偏离了问题.






Flutter/Eletron 外来了,也就没 Qt 什么事儿了.



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


嗯哼, 首次见 mypy 被这个领域进入哪...

看来, 大家等不了 Py 本番变得安全了...



嗯哼, 首次见 mypy 进入这种领域哪...



等等, 那为什么不直接用 Py 代码? 明白了, 又是安全问题...



等等,叒一个安全? 到底大家撞上了什么, 都触发了不安全事件?



NB , 非常需要, 刚需...




Line #    Mem usage  Increment   Line Contents
     3                           @profile
     4      5.97 MB    0.00 MB   def my_func():
     5     13.61 MB    7.64 MB       a = [1] * (10 ** 6)
     6    166.20 MB  152.59 MB       b = [2] * (2 * 10 ** 7)
     7     13.61 MB -152.59 MB       del b
     8     13.61 MB    0.00 MB       return a



📆🐍 活动/大会

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心





❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

进入 ch4, 下期 190901 左右发布.

本周准备上线 写作入门班


Do With Py

总是永远有人问这个问题... 当然, 这个问题任何一个技术社区都有人在问...

其实, 本质上并不是对应技术是否有什么能力, 而是相反...



必须 Pythonic 相关



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