原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #372


"Python's ascent continues among software developers, bolstered by its usability compared with Java and C."


Go 在 10年前就预测过自己将在10年以内超越 JAVA


New features include: f-string debugging, "async REPL" mode, AsyncMock in unittest.mock, async-support for unittest, math.comb added, Python embedding got better, and more.

Learn how to make a Twitter bot in Python with Tweepy, which is a package that provides a very convenient way to use the Twitter API. You can use your Twitter bot to automate all or part of your Twitter activity.



等等, 为什么那么多教程都在尝试向一个不存在的网站自动化收发不存在的嗯哼?


"In this post, I will try to explain the intricate details of Python packaging. I spent the best part of my evenings in the past two months to gather as much information as possible about the problem, the current solutions, what is legacy and what is not." Related discussion on Hacker News


Poetry 硬广, 但是, 也揭示至今, 有关部署 Py 环境, 还是没有统一靠谱方案.


The next macOS release deprecates built-in Python 2.7 and other system scripting languages, such as Ruby. The system scripting languages on macOS have always lagged behind the latest releases, for example, the macOS system Python is still on 2.7. You'll still be able to install Python 2 or Python 3 as you would most likely anyway today.


虽然从来不用系统内置的 Python, 但是, 这又是一个不买新 MBP 的理由了...


"This post is a write-up of a solution to part of a programming puzzle I did yesterday. It's a little different than the usual 'solution + theory' approach, though: I'm going to talk about the actual steps you'd need to take to get to the solution (i.e. what to google, what intermediate code looks like, etc.)."

"This tutorial is designed as an end-to-end walkthrough detailing all that is necessary for building and integrating a compiler into PyTorch's JIT."






真实 Python 升级




dict() 是函式嗯哼, 而 {} 则是语法解析.

>>> import dis
>>> def a():
...      b = dict()
>>> dis.dis(a)
  2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (dict)
              2 CALL_FUNCTION            0
              4 STORE_FAST               0 (b)
              6 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              8 RETURN_VALUE
>>> def c():
...    d = {}
 >>> dis.dis(c)
  2           0 BUILD_MAP                0
              2 STORE_FAST               0 (d)
              4 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              6 RETURN_VALUE



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

What's the difference between @classmethod, @staticmethod, and "plain/regular" instance methods in Python? You'll know the answer after watching this video series and playing with the accompanying code examples.



不得不说, 真蟒 被蟒周刊发现后, 插图丰富了很多...

OOP 在编程实践中的确非常象用来陈列的精致画框...


Why so many drawings in the margins depict bunnies going bad...


Killer Rabbits

等等,这和 Python 有什么关系?

...一个历史问题仍然没有答案:他们在多大程度上影响了现代电影喜剧,Monty Python和圣杯的创作?

ರ_ರ...看来 蟒周刊 创作团队是放爬虫来收集文章的...


Python might be hard to install on Windows, but with the latest Windows 10 update, you can type python to find it in the Microsoft Store.


在 Linux 们内置发行20多年后?

当然 Microsoft Store 是个全新的混合嗯哼.


Twisted's release manager discusses decision to continue supporting Python 2.7.


有 Twisted 在 Py2 还能再用10年. )

"I've been working more with beginning programmers recently and have heard them talking about feeling like an impostor on a frequent basis, so this time when the feeling struck, I paid attention to it."


嗯哼? 还有这种操作?

其实, 就是 顶替者效应 ~ 一种社会灌输的心理疾病.


In this tutorial, you'll learn how to implement a stack in Python. You'll see how to recognize when a stack is a good choice for data structures, how to decide which implementation is best for a program, and what extra considerations to make about stacks in a threading or multiprocessing environment.



嗯哼, 不是从 0 开始? 差评.



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


Kivy 框架哪, 竟然还没死...



叕一个 SSG 引擎, 没上 PyPi, 在 bitbucket 发布... 怎么看都没试用的冲动哪...





那一堆嗯哼, 一看就知道是认真的... )





叕一个全新编译平台拿 Python 来练手了... )


无论如何, Zope 系社区的韧劲是不得不佩服的...




从截屏来看, 可以先不期待 )

📆🐍 活动/大会



姊妹城市 MeetUP





❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

(是也乎: benchmarks

看这个也比较有意思,fastapi是一个high level的web框架,其实在go里面找不到竞品,但是性能可以在一个段位.

所以说, GC 什么的, 在 Py 世界, 其实并不是一个关键大坑...



~ helps you setup a new Python project


Do With Py

总是永远有人问这个问题... 当然, 这个问题任何一个技术社区都有人在问...

其实, 本质上并不是对应技术是否有什么能力, 而是相反...





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  • 190612 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 17 分钟 完成格式转抄.


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