原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #370


"This PEP proposed a list of standard library modules to be removed from the standard library. The modules are mostly historic data formats (e.g. Commodore and SUN file formats), APIs and operating systems that have been superseded a long time ago (e.g. Mac OS 9), or modules that have security implications and better alternatives (e.g. password and login)."




Nice guide to translating the common discrete mathematical structures, such as sets, sequences, functions, disjoint unions, relations and syntax, into working code in Java, Python, Racket and Haskell.

In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn about how the Python logging package is designed from an OOP perspective. You'll walk line by line down the package's core module and become better equipped to know what your code is doing.



真蟒 ~ 看来是要上市了? 每周这么多好文章发布...


"In this article I want to share my experience of using the Poetry dependency manager in production environment."


Poetry 叕一个想替代 Pyenv/pipenv 的嗯哼


In this tutorial you will learn how to use Keras feature extraction on large image datasets with Deep Learning. We'll also learn how to use incremental learning to train your image classifier on top of the extracted features.

A simple but detailed guide to what CNNs are, how they work, and how to build one from scratch in Python.




"In order to demonstrate some of GDB's flexibility, and show some of the steps involved in practical GDB work, we've put together a brief example of debugging Python with GDB."




Or: Why dealing with time zones is hard.




Interesting language design discussion about Python's class syntax and how it could be made more regular and beginner friendly.



Looks more like a cobra to me, but whatever ;-)





Articles, Tutorials and Talks

In this course, you'll learn the core concepts behind Continuous Integration (CI) and why they are essential for modern software engineering teams. Find out how to how set up Continuous Integration for your Python project to automatically create environments, install dependencies, and run tests.



要 20$/月 或是 200$/年 才看的了...


"If you can't code and you work in finance you risk being pushed out by those who can. Not today. Not tomorrow, but soon. Slowly, surely, the need for coding skills is percolating all banks' operations."




Create a free account and: choose from our 500+ vetted packages, automatically pull in and resolve dependencies, install the distro in a virtual environment with a single command. Supports Python 3.6+ on Linux. Try now →


这真心是只有 IOT 设备场景才有的需求了...


Details some of the background discussions that happened with CPython switching to GitHub Issues as its official bug tracker.

A step by step guide on how to deploy a typical Django app with Dokku.


Dokku 是个成功的开源私有云平台.


A step-by-step guide on implementing "as-you-type" AJAX search in Django

Get a general understanding of why Celery message queues are valuable along with how to utilize Celery in conjunction with Redis in a Django application.

RHEL 8 includes a dual Python setup (Python 2 + Python 3) and what it means for the future of Python 2 support.


也就是说, 接盘侠还是有的...


Some hands-on data analysis of the raw results from Stack Overflow's recent developer survey.

Take a deep dive into how to iterate through a dictionary in Python. Dictionaries are a fundamental data structure, and you'll be able to solve a wide variety of programming problems by iterating through them.





Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code

Python cache interface with clean API and built-in memcache & redis + asyncio support.



上一个以 Ring 为名的项目, 是洪教授亲自嗯哼的 Py web-GUI 框架...


A strictly typed wrapper around the popular Dominate library for creating and manipulating HTML documents in Python.


还以为能自动推导出异种语言的对应接口模块, 结果, 只是类似 JSON 的自动数据对象...



Py 3 only, 依赖 cv2 and tensorflow >= 1.12


📆🐍 活动/大会



❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)


~ helps you setup a new Python project


Do With Py

总是永远有人问这个问题... 当然, 这个问题任何一个技术社区都有人在问...

其实, 本质上并不是对应技术是否有什么能力, 而是相反...





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