原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #363


This PEP introduces a new syntax, /, for specifying positional-only parameters in Python function definitions. Looks useful for getting tighter control over how a library API can be called (i.e. preventing positional params from being called as keyword arguments). This will also allow for some function call speed optimizations in the future.


严格参数传输,以便优化...反正就是越来越 C++ 呗...

老爹一退休就乱来. )

In this series you'll see how to use some lesser-used but idiomatic Pandas capabilities that lend your code better readability, versatility, and speed.


( ̄▽ ̄)


PyCharm is the Python IDE for Professional Developers by JetBrains providing a complete set of tools for productive Python, Web and scientific development. Be more productive and save time while PyCharm takes care of the routine.


通过 IDE 变成 guru ?



How to avoid shared global state when using the functools.lru_cache decorator from the standard library.

CPython 3.7 has a new feature (-X importtime) for profiling import time and this article gives you a good overview on how to use this to reduce application startup time.

AvantPy provides friendlier Python tracebacks, translated into various languages, to help beginners learn programming. Right now the project is still in its early stages and the maintainer is looking for contributors.



只是, 这种追踪代码运行状态, 对于初学有什么帮助?




17 feet and 140 pounds! Have we hit Peak Python? I don't think so...


17英尺, 140磅...嗯哼, 没有州厂重 )





Articles, Tutorials and Talks

In this beginner-friendly tutorial, you'll learn how to use pip, the standard package manager for Python, so that you can install and manage additional packages that are not part of the Python standard library.

Short & sweet article where you'll learn a handy pattern for passing extra data to your DRF serializers before saving them to the database.

A quick overview on Python dependency management with PYTHONPATH and virtual environments, and how this approach compares with Golang.


拿 golang 的经验嗯哼 Python?


用 Pyenv 管理版本

用 miniconda 安装大型模块

pipenv 统一管理模块依赖



How the author got his own Python app on the Ubuntu/Snapcraft app store.

Nina Zakharenko gives some great advice about giving tech talks. This episode is full of great help and encouragement for your own public speaking adventures.

Mike Kennedy and Mike Herman talk about running Django in production in episode #206 of the Talk Python Podcast.

Dask is a library that scales Python computation to multiple cores or multiple machines. Setups running Dask on thousands of machines are not unheard of. This short article gives you a couple of usage examples.


其实 Jupter 本身也可以


Learn how to set up Visual Studio Code for Python development. By following examples, you'll cover everything from installing and configuring VSCode, to running tests and debugging Python apps.


Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries


神奇, 自动转化为其它语言代码



浏览器的话, 没有插件体系, 是只能给机器用的...







真的是绿屋... 还以为是什么代号呢...

结果一看, 是原创自动化暖棚...

用 Python 控制各种传感器以及水肥温度什么的...



Mypy now ships a mypy binary compiled with mypyc by default, which is up to 4x faster than the previous interpreted version. Very cool!


叕一个死也不 1.0 的


📆🐍 活动/大会






❤️ Happy Pythonic!



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