原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #358


This PEP suggests adding merge + and difference - operators to the built-in dict class. The merge operator will have the same relationship to the dict.update method as the list concatenation operator has to list.extend, with dict difference being defined analogously. I think this is a pretty cool feature suggestion. Related discussion here.


简单说, 用直觉计算符号来操作最常用的 dict 对象...

>>> d = {'spam': 1, 'eggs': 2, 'cheese': 3}
>>> e = {'cheese': 'cheddar', 'aardvark': 'Ethel'}
>>> d + e
{'spam': 1, 'eggs': 2, 'cheese': 'cheddar', 'aardvark': 'Ethel'}
>>> e + d
{'cheese': 3, 'aardvark': 'Ethel', 'spam': 1, 'eggs': 2}


In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to refactor your Python application to be simpler and more maintainable and have fewer bugs. You'll cover code metrics, refactoring tools, and common anti-patterns.


以往也总是搜索出来 realpython 的文章, 这次挖掘了一下, 发现真心是好公司, 文章扎实, 配图可爱...


A small tutorial on how to manage Elasticsearch efficiently in a Django project. It uses elasticsearch-dsl as an ORM and a custom management system similar to django-haystack (which uses outdated ES).


Django 的生态终于直接扎入搜索了...


An experiment to disprove some of the falsehoods about performance and optimisation regarding software and interpreted languages in particular. In short, this is a Redis clone, written in < 250 lines of idiomatic Python code, providing a subset of Redis' functionality for which there are official benchmarks. Pydis is ~60% as fast as the compiled C version of Redis, as measured in number of operations per second.


250行以内作品, 来证明解释型语言可以比肩 C... 只是, 数量级呢?


Together with Trey Hunner and Eric Chou, I was a guest on Mike and Brian's excellent Python Bytes podcast. We recorded this episode "live" and together in the same room at the PyCascades conference in Seattle.

This is super handy if you're switching between editors or if you want to make sure your team uses the same indentation settings no matter which editor each developer uses.






An amazing, thorough, readable answer on Stack Overflow about the multiprocessing module.


SO 中神品回答:

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"What are some cool uses for Python for maybe younger people or just people without office jobs in general?"


针对 OL 的? )

(是也乎: 没毛病

Dy46_opW0AARDM1.jpg(JPEG 图像,1080x1098 像素) - 缩放 (82%)



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

In this article on face detection with Python, you'll learn about a historically important algorithm for object detection that can be successfully applied to finding the location of a human face within an image.


等等, 有非传统的?


The third post of the series where you'll be writing our own Python framework just like Flask and Django.


叕一系列分享如何 造轮子, 但是,很多领域不自己造一遍, 永远不知道有什么具体坑的...


Python functions always have to return something, right? Well, it's complicated...

Pretty cool: This release includes the ability to visualize, navigate and run unit tests through a visual test explorer. Supports unittest, pytest and nose.

Covers some best practices for securely using Python.

Bleach is a Python library for sanitizing and linkifying text from untrusted sources for safe usage in HTML. In this post the author explains why he's stepping down as a maintainer for the library and gives a retrospective on OSS project maintenance.


...It's so crazy what browsers are doing ...20年维护经验的结论: continuing to maintain something because of internal obligations long after they're getting any value from the project.

所有维护者都在最初获益后, 义务嗯哼了很多很多年. ...PyCon 2019 maintainers summit


Django's contribute_to_class() is an undocumented part of the ORM's internal API that allows you to attach to/hook into a model.

"Slices are both common and convenient ways to extract portions of Python data structures — usually with builtin objects, but also on your own. Once you get used to slices, you'll see lots of uses for them, and wonder how you got along without them."


常用, 也难用...甚至到 Pandas 也一样 )

With the uptake of Python 3 (and the imminent end of life for Python 2.7), there is a question of which version of Python a user should get when they type "python" at the command line or have it as part of a shebang ("#!") line in a script.

Paolo is an open-source contributor to Django. In this article he talks about his involvement in the Python community, how he got started using Python in the first place, and how he ended up contributing to the Django web framework.


相比公司, 社区总是能更好的加速个人成长... 当然, 前提是....嗯哼


Marry science code with operations? How to organize your Python code as private Pip package with Azure Artifacts and integrate it using modified virtual environments.


Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries


利用 FFmpeg 来协助分析帧, 并对齐字幕 )


嗯哼? 又模拟 Prolog? 为毛? )


嗯哼? 叕一个 Lisp 嵌入? 哈, 之前报道过,只是在生产中无人使用. )


叕一个 Jupter 增强方向







Azure 越来越积累了...


📆🐍 活动/大会



❤️ Happy Pythoning!


过年前后断更了几期, 对比之前坚持, 感觉, 类似技术周刊的翻译, 还是值得的:

  • 保持原文阅读量, 语言就是得用, 否则嗯哼了...
  • 保持最新嗯哼接触面, 其它技术媒体先不论翻译水平, 光是第2/3/4 手资料传播过程中的损耗...唉
    • 光知道自己不知道什么, 就非常值得了
  • 积累自己的内容池...社会资产, 就是这么慢慢嗯哼起来的


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  • 190306 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 17 分钟 完成格式转抄.


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