原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #349


Happy New Year!

It's been an amazing 2018 for Python and I can't wait to see what 2019 has in store for us.

With so much growth and excitement in the space I'm really enthusiastic for the future of Python and our global community.

For this week's issue it felt appropriate to include a couple of retrospectives and recap articles. From the new PyPI website launching to Guido stepping down as BDFL, a lot has happened after all.

So here's to a successful 2019 for you! Happy Pythoning!

— Dan Bader, Editor


从12年开始, 坚持翻译发布技术周刊有6年了, 其间关注过很多种 weekly ,只有 PyCoder's Weekly 一直稳定嗯哼, 现在不易...


In this podcast episode I'm joining Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken for a Pythonic 2018 retrospective. We had a ton of fun recapping last year's main events and our top 10 stories and developments. Join us on this episode when we count them down.



#10: Python 3.7
    Cool New Features in Python 3.7: realpython.com/python37-new-features
#9: 版本模型变更
    ZeroVer: 0-based Versioning: 0ver.org
    Calendar Versioning: calver.org
    Semantic Versioning 2.0.0: semver.org
#8: Python 变成全球最爱欢迎开发语言
    economistist article: economist.com
#7: 2018 是数据科学 Pythonistas == web 开发 Pythonistas 等价元年
    Python Developers Survey Results: jetbrains.com
    Covered in depth on Talk Python 176: https://talkpython.fm/176
#6: Black
    Project: pypi.org/project/black
    Soundgarden : "Black Hole Sun": youtube.com
#5:  PyPI 上线
    Python Package Index: pypi.org
#4: 嵌入式世界中 Python 崛起
    Covered at Python Bytes: pythonbytes.fm/92
#3: Py2 的日子真的不长了?
    Python 2.7 -- bugfix or security before EOL?: mail.python.org
    Python 2 death clock: pythonclock.org
#2: 这是 PyPi 无罪的终结
    welve malicious Python libraries found and removed from PyPI: zdnet.com
#1: 老爹离开...Guido stepped down as BDFL
    [python-committers] Transfer of power: mail.python.org
    Proposals for new governance structure: discuss.python.org


I love the fact that in 2018 we articles about Python show up in publications like The Economist. This is a nice little (mainstream) writeup of Python's history so far and Guido van Rossum's personal journey as the language's creator.

In my mind, much of this is still relevant as of 2018. Also check out the related discussion on Hacker News (2018).


时隔8年, 回顾当年的决策依然有参考意义:

Python 能支撑学生在越来越大的吞吐量中保持足够的效率


This intermediate-level Django tutorial looks at how to integrate Stripe Connect into a Django application to process and manage payments on behalf of others.

In this step-by-step Python tutorial, you'll learn how to use Django and GeoDjango to build a location-based web application from scratch. You'll be building a simple nearby shops application that lists the shops closest to a user's location.


移动端的推荐 QPython


The title says it all... Fun fact: The project is called "DOOMBA." :-)




无论其它教程多NB , 都没有自己亲手写一个来的痛彻心房...


A discussion of CPython memory management internals: Which types of data go where?





Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Learn the four main approaches to string formatting in Python, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. You'll also get a simple rule of thumb for how to pick the best general purpose string formatting approach in your own programs.


万年老坑了, 其实, 没有完美方案, 只有够用的...


Guido van Rossum received the "Groundbreaker Award" at the 2018 Oracle Code One conference and talks about how to make OSS better.


老爹在荣获: Oracle 嗯哼的 突破性奖 时, 进行的分享.


This article examines the trending Google searches 2018 versus last year, using a Python script that pulls the relevant data from Google Trends.


Shiuan? 这是哪家姓?


You can use JupyterHub to deploy a multi user workshop environment where each user is given access to their own interactive Python shell environment in their web browser. This follow up article explains how course instructors can monitor and control user sessions.




An interactively explorable explanation. This is cool!


纯网页的程序运行时模拟器, 非常 COOL


In this list, Favio covers a wide range of libraries, repos, and packages that can help you be a better data scientist with Python.


等等,为毛有 R ?


A grab bag of useful little tricks you can use for your next project or script.




5 coding projects you can do in an hour, or a weekend over the holidays. They are suitable for young kids up to teens. Nice list!


那什么, 除非小孩自愿, 否则, 还是趁能得空时, 陪小怪兽们, 吃吃玩玩吧... )

How to create fully custom landing pages with the power of Jinja and HTML+CSS using the Sphinx static site generator.


为什么 Jeklly 们替代了 Sphinx? 不仅仅因为 rST 过于复杂, 更加就是因为 Sphinx 本身难用, 又能灵活的嗯哼... 当年, 光是官网文档网站, 就 hack 了多党制 Sphinx 哪...

所以, 类似这种事儿, 嫑折腾了...


Quick overview of the async IO changes shipped in Python 3.7.


敪一则 Asyncio 软广, 可惜...



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

A brand new Python IDE/editor developed from scratch using PyQT. Check out the related discussion on Reddit.


叉蚺 .... 其实吧, 用 Qt 本身就可能是个问题



叕叕叕叕叕一个用, sherlock 为名的嗯哼




名字不错, 不支持中文...



Fb 内部?赞助组织?


Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math explanations.


叕一则 ML 的 ipynb 嗯哼...




勘人....? 逻辑学计算支持模块.


Looking to start 2019 with a career change? Find your dream Python job with PythonJobsHQ's aggregated job listings and search engine for the best jobs in the industry. Brought to you by the creators of the PyCoder's Weekly Newsletter.

(是也乎: 官方出品, 职位名录...






哪个 Delhi ?新的旧的?



狐村用户组? 看来, 珠三角Python 用户组, 应该宣传起来了... )


大英帝国总是很稳... )


多米尼加? 1844年2月27日 独立, 海地邻居, 人口没过浦东区...





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