原文: Pycoder's Weekly (Issue #23) : Guido

Hi Pythonistas.

The Pycoders shirts are on their way! Thanks for all the support!

If you want a sticker send us a self addressed stamped envelope to*:

44 Byward Market Square, Suite 210 Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1P 7A2

  • Please provide either Canadian stamps or 1USD North America; 2USD International.
    ** Stickers while supplies last

贴纸已经抵达, 我们将在下周向所有联系过我们的人发送.

我们还在寻找新的赞助商. Postmates 是我们的第一个赞助商, 不仅能获得贴纸, 还令我们能继续使用 mailchimp.


如果你想要一个贴纸, 寄给我们回邮信封就好(送完为止):

44 Byward Market Square, Suite 210
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
K1P 7A2

RSS 订阅和存档可以在 这里这里 找到.

戳这里 和我们签订契约成为魔法少女(少年). (◕‿‿◕)

-- Mahdi and Mike


Pyglet the cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python has released version 1.2 Alpha1. In this release, support for 64 bit OS's and many other changes and fixes. Click through for the changelog.

PyTexas early bird registration is open through August 31st. If you are live in or around College Station, TX. You may want to check this out.

The PyCon Program Committee is looking for new members, click through to check it out if you are interested.



360pi is a price intelligence solutions company that aims to provide the best product in the industry. They are a small (but very driven) team that has high ambitions, loves cool new technologies and avoids bureaucracy at all costs. They are currently hiring inspired developers take a look here.


Okydoky describes itself as a readthedocs for use with private projects. It is an automated documentation builder using Sphinx, GitHub and Distribute.

Datrie is a super-fast, efficiently stored Trie for Python (2.x and 3.x). Uses libdatrie.

Fuzzy string matching in python. Nothing more, nothing less.

Friendly parser written in python, Plyplus boasts a friendliness while still being a powerful parser. They have taken a slightly different approach to parsing in the hopes of cleaner design, and more powerful grammar processing.


Interested in learning how to deploy your WSGI app? This article shows the beautiful simplicity of getting an app up, running and deployed on nginx and uWSGI.

Mixpanel uses eventlet to peform non-blocking operations. For this to work, eventlet patches Python's socket library which makes a pure python memcached library a requirement for Mixpanels stack. When their current memcached solution contributed to a service outage they decided to write their own.

What do we exactly mean when we say near space? We mean 1% atmosphere and temperatures -50C. Armed with a camera and a heat sink this Raspberry Pi board went to infinity and beyond!

Audrey co-founder of pyladies gives a talk on tricks everyone should know about python at PyCon Philippines 2012.

In this article the author makes a compelling argument about why you should use Django models for your file uploads instead of views.


  • 1312?? Zoom.Quiet 用时 27 分钟 完成快译.
  • 131221 Zoom.Quiet 用时 7 分钟 完成格式转抄.


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