搜罗Py万物 的周刊
又一堆好文/项目在这周被发掘! 享受她们吧,学习的周末总是美好的!
大家多分享文章 俺们才折腾的出又一周的美好呢.
喜欢就 在 Gratipay 支持俺们吧! 当然的,俺们也在twitter
Django's 2016集资开始 Django软件基金会的目标是筹集200000美元,以作为经费,继续为Django Girls工作坊,DjangoCon等活动提供赞助. 点击查看详情 The Django Software foundation aims to raise $200,000 in order to fully fund their Fellow program, continue contributing to Django Girls workshops, sponsor official Django conferences, and more. Want to learn more about this? Click through for the details. djangoproject.com Shared by @mgrouchy
获得10万美元捐助的Jupyter项目的分析 来自Continuum Analytics对Jupyter团队的分析! jupyter.org Shared by @myusuf3
Pytest 2.8.5发布 最新版本py.test发布. 点击链接查看详情 The latest version of the fantastic py.test is out. Click through for more details and full changelog. pytest.org Shared by @nicoddemus
Python3为何存在 reddit.com Shared by @myusuf3
如何让Python跑的像Julia一样快 reddit.com Shared by @mgrouchy
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来自 猎豹移动 - 全球最大的移动工具开发商 急招 N 名有服务端开发经验的 gopher!
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wifiportal21 支持比特币支付的Wifi登录页面 This is an experimental Wifi captive portal that accepts bitcoin payments for Wifi minutes. github.com Shared by @myusuf3
为何Python 3会存在 为何Python 3会存在.Python的核心开发者Brett Cannon给出了理由 Wondering why Python 3 exists? Python Core developer Brett Cannon gives some reasons why it exists and why you should care. snarky.ca Shared by @mgrouchy
Python不是C 如何让你的Python摆脱C的阴影 Follow up to a great post on how not to treat your Python like C. ibm.com Shared by @myusuf3
Python async/await教程 Python async和await的入门教程 Awesome tutorial for beginners on async and await in Python. stackabuse.com Shared by @mgrouchy
让我们一起编写一个简单的解释器: 第七部分 "让我们一起编写一个简单的解释器"系列第七部分 Let's Build A Simple Interpreter. Part 7. Part 7 of the amazing "lets build a simple interpreter series". Click through to read the latest or find your way back to part 1. ruslanspivak.com Shared by @mgrouchy
"圣诞节送礼"问题的困境 囚犯两难处境的细微变化 Nice variation on the prisoner's dilemma with gifts!! vknight.org Shared by @myusuf3
如何让Python跑的像Julia一样快 Julia并不是解决问题最好的方式,而是要让Python变的更快 Great article on how the Julia website solves problems not in the most ideal way but how changing up the solutions Python proves to be faster. ibm.com Shared by @myusuf3
reline 限定行字数的终端下文本格式化工具 Python CLI tool to reformat a text into a specified number of words per line/characters per line. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
elodie 基于EXIF的个人照片助手 Your Personal EXIF-based Photo Assistant. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
kinto 具有同步和共享功能的轻量级JSON存储服务 A lightweight JSON storage service with synchronisation and sharing abilities. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
cyjson Python的JSON快速解析器.对cJSON的封装 Fast JSON Parser for Python. A Cython wrapper class for cJSON. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
django-notify-x Django强大的通知系统 A robust notification system for Django. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
py-spin 命令行中的Spinners Spinners in your terminal. github.com Shared by @mgrouchy
pg-table-markdown 一个将Postgre表生成markdown文档的命令行工具 A command line tool that generates markdown documentation for Postgres tables in a given schema. github.com Shared by @foresmac
connect 使用Python和Django编写的组织者交流平台 A communication platform built for organizers. Written in Python and Django. github.com Shared by @nickcatal
platformio 开源的物联网生态系统的发展. 跨平台代码生成器和库管理器. 持续集成. PlatformIO is an open source ecosystem for IoT (internet of things) development. Cross-platform code builder and library manager. Continuous and IDE integration. github.com Shared by @ikravets
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