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Now that PEP 572 is done, I don't ever want to have to fight so hard for a PEP and find that so many people despise my decisions. I would like to remove myself entirely from the decision process. I'll still be there for a while as an ordinary core dev, and I'll still be available to mentor people -- possibly more available. But I'm basically giving myself a permanent vacation from being BDFL, and you all will be on your own.


[python-committers] Transfer of power
Guido van Rossum guido at
Thu Jul 12 10:57:35 EDT 2018

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Now that PEP 572 is done, I don't ever want to have to fight so hard for a
PEP and find that so many people despise my decisions.

I would like to remove myself entirely from the decision process. I'll
still be there for a while as an ordinary core dev, and I'll still be
available to mentor people -- possibly more available. But I'm basically
giving myself a permanent vacation from being BDFL, and you all will be on
your own.

After all that's eventually going to happen regardless -- there's still
that bus lurking around the corner, and I'm not getting younger... (I'll
spare you the list of medical issues.)

I am not going to appoint a successor.

So what are you all going to do? Create a democracy? Anarchy? A
dictatorship? A federation?

I'm not worried about the day to day decisions in the issue tracker or on
GitHub. Very rarely I get asked for an opinion, and usually it's not
actually important. So this can just be dealt with as it has always been.

The decisions that most matter are probably
- How are PEPs decided
- How are new core devs inducted

We may be able to write up processes for these things as PEPs (maybe those
PEPs will form a kind of constitution). But here's the catch. I'm going to
try and let you all (the current committers) figure it out for yourselves.

Note that there's still the CoC -- if you don't like that document your
only option might be to leave this group voluntarily. Perhaps there are
issues to decide like when should someone be kicked out (this could be
banning people from python-dev or python-ideas too, since those are also
covered by the CoC).

Finally. A reminder that the archives of this list are public ( although membership
is closed (limited to core devs).

I'll still be here, but I'm trying to let you all figure something out for
yourselves. I'm tired, and need a very long break.

--Guido van Rossum (

可以说,这是大家内心都明白不可避免的结果,毕竟岁月不饶人, 老爹真的累了...虽然主要不是身体上的, 但是, 和老哥儿们越来越无法理解新程序猿的期许, 又实在厌烦反复强调相同的事儿... 不如眼不见心不烦... Python 2.7 永垂不朽...


Jupyter notebooks for teaching/learning Python 3






When studying Probability & Statistics, one of the first and most important theorems students learn is the Bayes' Theorem. This theorem is the foundation of deductive reasoning, which focuses on determining the probability of an event occurring based on prior knowledge of conditions that might be related to the event. The Naive Bayes Classifier brings the power of this theorem to Machine Learning, building a very simple yet powerful classifier. In this article, we will see an overview on how this classifier works, which suitable applications it has, and how to use it in just a few lines of Python and the Scikit-Learn library.


叕一则 朴素Bayes 的实现


Today we’re going to explore a wonderful feature that the Python library offers to you out of the box: the serialization. To serialize an object means to transform it in a format that can be stored, so as to be able to deserialize it later, recreating the original object from the serialized format. To do all these operations we will use the pickle module.




Python comes equipped with several built-in data types to help us organize our data. These structures include lists, dictionaries, tuples and sets.


其实各种 Py 数据对象基于直觉来用就好...


A multi-core Python HTTP server that is about 40% to 110% faster than Go can be built by relying on the Cython language and LWAN C library. A proof of concept validates the possibility of high performance system programming in the Cython language.


多核...基于 LWAN 模块..

Server io



We’ll design and implement a toy spam detection pipeline to demonstrate how to leverage streaming analytics to tackle the issue. We’ll also sketch out the next steps needed to move this solution into production.




A beautiful python framework "for humans", enabling you to deliver a REST enabled micro-services from zero to production within minutes (no kidding: literally within minutes).




I’ve been working lately in a command line application called Bard which is a music manager for your local music collection. Bard does an acoustic fingerprinting of your songs (using acoustid) and stores all song metadata in a sqlite database. With this, you can do queries and find song duplicates easily even if the songs are not correctly tagged. I’ll talk in another post more about Bard and its features, but here I wanted to talk about the algorithm to find song duplicates and how I optimized it to run around 8000 times faster.


那什么, 不如 golang?


But there always be questions for me and my friends: “How can we tell, at a single glance, whether the jet is Boeing or Airbus”. Although experts and enthusiasts can easily distinguish different jets, my friends and I often have hard time correctly identify them.

Packaging from start to finish for both PyPI and conda.


叕一则自制 packag 的教程



~ 包/模块/库/片段...

Implementations of ideas from recent papers

This is the code for "Research to Code" By Siraj Raval on Youtube




pip management tool base base


其实, pip 自身已经足够好了... 问题是和工程结合后的 升级/部署/迁移 操作...至今没有合理的自动化工具.


Download files out of open AWS buckets



(bucketdump) TBG-a0216:tadpole admin$ python
  _            _____         ____  _ ______ 
 | |     /\   |  __ \       / __ \| |  ____|
 | |_   /  \  | |  | |_ __ | |  | | | |__   
 | __| / /\ \ | |  | | '_ \| |  | | |  __|  
 | |_ / ____ \| |__| | |_) | |__| | | |____ 
  \__/_/    \_\_____/| .__/ \____/|_|______|[][][]
                     | |                    
                     |_|   Aws Download Open buckEt files v(0.1)

[09:29:39][FATAL] must provide a search query with `-q/--query` flag
usage: [-h] [-q SEARCH-QUERY] [--random-agent] [--verbose]
                  [-P PROXY] [-H HEADER=1,HEADER=2,etc..] [-s STRING]
                  [--check-proxy] [--swim] [--limit AMOUNT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        provide a search query to search open buckets with
  --random-agent        Use a random HTTP User-Agent
  --verbose             Run in verbose mode
  -P PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        Use a proxy for the requests
  -H HEADER=1,HEADER=2,etc.., --headers HEADER=1,HEADER=2,etc..
                        Pass extra headers with your request
  -s STRING, --search STRING
                        Search for a file and output the location of it
  --check-proxy         Verify that your proxy is working correctly
  --swim                Swim upstream to the found bucket and try to pull
                        everything out of it
  --limit AMOUNT        Used in conjunction with `--swim` specify an amount of
                        buckets to pull (*default=300)
(bucketdump) TBG-a0216:tadpole admin$


Analyzes user's Instagram location geotags to find most frequent locations, countries, cities ...


好象所有有公开 API 的 SNS 服务都有这类自动化分析工具


The CLI for fetching stock market data.

Liscript command line REPL on Python




A Sublime Text 3 (windows) plugin for markdown writing.


嗯哼? 首次见 windows 专供插件...



Extracting URLs of a specific target based on the results of ""




A flow schedule and zone management app





Lambda handler for Yelp's ElastAlert


江湖有曰: 一切语言都是对 LISP 的不完备仿制...


A simple way to download images from instagram.


等等...哈,用了一个 Py web 后台来完成真正的嗯哼


How to Add Maps + 3D buildings to Django Web App

( ̄▽ ̄)




30 Amazing Python Projects for the Past Year (v.2018) 其中有几个国货,也都超过 1000+星了...

<- Qix-/better-exceptions: Pretty and useful exceptions in Python, automatically. 效果惊艳...



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