

~ 文章, Blog, 教程...

GoCD now integrates natively with Kubernetes! GoCD's pipeline capability along with Kubernetes' highly programmable platform provide you the premiere Continuous Delivery tool on modern infrastructure.


G 字开头的一般都是...


The Google Ngram viewer is a fun/useful tool that uses Google’s vast trove of data scanned from books to plot word usage over time.


PyTubes 的广告?


SQL was a go-to tool when you needed to get a quick-and-dirty look at some data, and draw preliminary conclusions that might, eventually, lead to a report or an application being written. This is called exploratory analysis. These days, data comes in many shapes and forms, and it’s not synonymous with “relational database” anymore. You may end up with CSV files, plain text, Parquet, HDF5, and who knows what else. This is where Pandas library shines.

Topic Modeling is a technique to extract the hidden topics from large volumes of text. Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) is a popular algorithm for topic modeling with excellent implementations in the Python’s Gensim package. The challenge, however, is how to extract good quality of topics that are clear, segregated and meaningful. Tthis depends heavily on the quality of text preprocessing and the strategy of finding the optimal number of topics. This tutorial attempts to tackle both of these problems.


那什么, 不是 3D 建模, 是文本分析中的主题分类...


Three years after my definitive guide on Python classic, static, class and abstract methods, it seems to be time for a new one. Here, I would like to dissect and discuss Python exceptions.



这种翻译, 怎么看怎么无法接受...


Predigame is an instructional platform that teaches the basics of coding through the creation of arcade games.




基于 PyGame 的...


Python and Erlang are two programming languages, which I cannot get enough of. Having said that my first crush is Pascal and first love is C although that story is for some other time. It is interesting how they compliment each other in so many ways making this combination amazing for a developer.


参考: think abt. Py 2 Erl 12年前的嗯哼...


I will be using the excellent CausalInference package to give an overview of how we can use the potential outcomes framework to try and make causal inferences about situations where we only have observational data.

When I started with Python, there were not yet NumPy or SymPy. We used to do research in MatLab, rapid prototyping in Delphi and, believe me or not, symbolic computation in Prolog. Python was something like a nicer Perl, not really popular with the researchers. But it was fun to write things in.


简单的说, 几乎所有类型的计算



~ 包/模块/库/片段...

Write PyTorch code at the level of individual examples, then run it efficiently on minibatches.


叕一则 PyTorch 的嗯哼..


Tools for converting Python code to AWS Step Function json


叕一个 AWS 难用服务的简化工具


Presentation: Debugging across pipes and sockets with strace


幻灯片, 说明如何进行调试, 用 strace


Susnote is a notebook which support markdown, UML and Chart.


sanic 为基础完成的本地笔记工具.


Automated Chromebook loaner management


Chromebook 专用工具



Software-defined radio application written in Python





Simple cryptocurrency mining honeypot




Library for executing customizable script-languages in python


定制 DSL 的叒一个工具 )

Lets you transfer files and directories from your computer to your mobile device by scanning a QR code right from the terminal.


从终端将 QR 图片从桌面转送到移动端来完成识别...

等等, 这就是将手机当成一个组件来用的节奏?

好吧, 只是用 flask 临时嗯哼个网站给手机下载...


Generic file search & replace tool, written in Python 3


通用文件搜索和替换工具 Py3 重制老工具.


Undo/Redo support for Maya Python API 2.0

a geographical visualization




所以 ....?


Plot statistical distributions in your terminal

Fetch comments from the given video and determine sentiment towards the video is positive or negative




( ̄▽ ̄)

defaultlogo.png(PNG 图像,256x256 像素) 叕一种试图用 Py 一次性完成所有平台应用开发的嗯哼

国人作品, 解决 https 部署时的证书生成问题

30 Amazing Python Projects for the Past Year (v.2018) 其中有几个国货,也都超过 1000+星了...

<- Qix-/better-exceptions: Pretty and useful exceptions in Python, automatically. 效果惊艳...



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