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Do you use PyCharm as your Python IDE?. Then this course might be of interest to you. Taught by Michael of TalkPython podcast fame.


总是说一个工具复杂到要出书来学习使用时, 就得谨慎了...


I love VS Code and I love Jupyter Notebooks. Both excel at their own world. But to improve my workflow I had to create a bridge between their worlds.


在 IPy:NB 中可以完成的任务, 导入 VSCode 后, 也就能看看,并不能交互那有什么用? )

The O’Reilly Programming Podcast: A look at some of Python’s valuable, but often overlooked, features.


O’Reilly 也在用 Py


It provides a management GUI, a slew of scientifically oriented work environments, and tools to simplify the process of using Python for data crunching


内什么, anaconda 的问题不在安装, 而在生产.. )

Ensembles have rapidly become one of the hottest and most popular methods in applied machine learning. Virtually every winning Kaggle solution features them, and many data science pipelines have ensembles in them. Put simply, ensembles combine predictions from different models to generate a final prediction, and the more models we include the better it performs. Better still, because ensembles combine baseline predictions, they perform at least as well as the best baseline model. Ensembles give us a performance boost almost for free!


Ensembles ~ 合奏,叕一个 ML 框架





We present Skan (Skeleton analysis), a Python library for the analysis of the skeleton structures of objects. It was inspired by the “analyse skeletons” plugin for the Fiji image analysis software, but its extensive Application Programming Interface (API) allows users to examine and manipulate any intermediate data structures produced during the analysis. Further, its use of common Python data structures such as SciPy sparse matrices and pandas data frames opens the results to analysis within the extensive ecosystem of scientific libraries available in Python.




K-means clustering is a simple yet very effective unsupervised machine learning algorithm for data clustering. It clusters data based on the Euclidean distance between data points. K-means clustering algorithm has many uses for grouping text documents, images, videos, and much more.


叕一则用 scikit 折腾 K-Means 的嗯哼


This is an early developer preview of Python 3.7


Py3 在加速, 想来 2020 年也不远了...不过, Py2 的寿命远远不是官方说了算的..


Renko charts are time independent and are efficient to trade as they eliminate noise. In this article we see how to plot renko charts of any instrument with OHLC data using Python.


pandas+matplotlib 就嗯哼了.


This tutorial will walk through using Google Cloud Speech API to transcribe a large audio file.


叕一个 Google 语音接口的包装库, 只是少年, 在中国无法直接用哪... 当然, 多年前开始, Youtube 就已经大规模使用此服务来自动生成各种演讲字幕了, 而且速度越来越快,当前已经可以作到准实时了... 对比国内的讯飞, 投入的研发时间还要长, 可惜... )

Essential codes for jump-starting machine learning/data science with Python.


叕一则 DC~数据科学入门教程


Additive models for time series modeling

When it comes to natural language generation, people normally think of advanced AI systems using advanced mathematics; however, that is not always true. In this post, I will be using the idea of Markov chains and a small dataset of quotes to generate new quotes.


叕一则 20行 AI 案例...哈哈..

generated_inspirational_quotes_20lines_python-1_gYzJsSYsKXgrNyh8WzhuZw.gif(GIF 图像,734x362 像素)


In this lesson, you will be introduced to Python generators. You will see how a generator can replace a common function and learn the benefits of doing so. You will learn what role the yield keyword provides in functions and how it differs from a return. Building on that knowledge, you will learn how to build a generator to recursively crawl an API ( and return Star Wars characters from "The Force Awakens".


~ 包/模块/库/片段...

When no one will follow you, you can do it yourself.




A library for manipulating Pipenv projects.


一个简单的和 pipenv 数据仓库交互的嗯哼


Paste in some broken unicode text and FTFY will tell you how to fix it!


能修复被嗯哼的 unicode 字串


A python script for smart lightbulbs to indicate how badly you're losing money


其实, 没有之前自动统计所有云平台自己当前的开销那个工具来的实用, 毕竟现在 AWS 为首的云平台, 计费规则复杂度比得上 双11/12 的优惠策略堆叠了.. 有个脚本自动统计/报警费用支出是有的, ...


Use word vectors to interactively generate lists of similar words




-pipenv-sublime - 12 Stars, 0 Fork

A Sublime plugin for Pipenv.


一个技术是否有足够活力的社区? 可能就看多长时间有 subl 插件了?


The pretrained models trained on Moments in Time Dataset

PyOrphan show suggestion of unused code in your python project.

Runtime type inference for Python


Full doc: todo

<-- 哈哈...好的, 等你文档及腰, 俺再来嗯哼


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( ̄▽ ̄)



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