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Today we are excited to announce we’re open-sourcing MonkeyType, our tool for automatically adding type annotations to your Python 3 code via runtime tracing of types seen.


简单的说, 凡是深入大规模部署 Python 几年后, 无人忍受的了官方版本, 都在根据自己的业务来嗯哼出新的分支... )


PrettyPrinter is a powerful, syntax-highlighting, and declarative pretty printer for Python 3.6+. It uses a modified Wadler-Leijen layout algorithm, similar to those used in Haskell pretty printer libraries prettyprinter and ansi-wl-pprint, JavaScript's Prettier, Ruby's prettyprinter.rb and IPython's IPython.lib.pretty. It combines the best parts of each and builds more on top to produce the most powerful pretty printer in Python to date.


叕一个对象输出美化模块, 只是, 这种只能满足程序猿私人观赏需求的,能存活多久?



Regular Expressions are commonly used in Linux command line tools like sed, awk, grep etc. Most programming languages support them in either built – in or through an external library. The main problem of using them is that they difficult to understand, but they are well worth the effort to learn. Using a regular expression can save you a lot of time.


啊...伟大精致易沉迷的 正则表达式 哪...


Kenneth Reitz has contributed many things to the Python community, including projects such as Requests, Pipenv, and Maya. He also started the community written Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python, and serves on the board of the Python Software Foundation. This week he talks about his career in the Python community and digs into some of his current work.


kenneth 老爹继承者之一...


Enlighten Progress Bar is a console progress bar module for Python. (Yes, another one.) The main advantage of Enlighten is it allows writing to stdout and stderr without any redirection.



叕一个 CLI 进度条模块


Compare two floats with math.isclose() to see if they are nearly equal #python"


早已订阅, 然后,无法分享...


Microsoft is considering adding Python as one of the official Excel scripting languages, according to a topic on Excel's feedback hub opened last month.








If you’ve never coded before and want to learn how to make websites, we have good news for you: we are holding a one-day workshop for beginners! It will take place on February 25, 2018 at Collective Health in San Francisco.




HereIsWally is a Tensorflow project that includes a model for solving Where's Wally puzzles. It uses Faster RCNN Inception v2 model initially trained on COCO dataset and retrained for finding Wally using transfer learning with Tensorflow Object Detection API.


COCO 数据集? 那个电影的?



~ 包/模块/库/片段...

Subdomain enumeration and information gathering tool.


        d8888                   888      d8b
       d88888                   888      Y8P
      d88P888                   888
     d88P 888 88888b.  888  888 88888b.  888 .d8888b
    d88P  888 888 "88b 888  888 888 "88b 888 88K
   d88P   888 888  888 888  888 888  888 888 "Y8888b.
  d8888888888 888  888 Y88b 888 888 d88P 888      X88
 d88P     888 888  888  "Y88888 88888P"  888  88888P'

哈, 这就是将经验嗯嗯嗯成了工具的结果.


Detection script for the ROBOT vulnerability

A Django library for Heroku apps.


叕一个专门为 Heroku 嗯哼的


PyTorch implementation for 3D human pose estimation.


国人 PyTorch 实用嗯哼:

用机械学习来分析人体姿态, 主创是 寒羽良 的粉丝...

不过是在 USA 攻读的小组...


A self-hosted, 0-confirmation Bitcoin Cash point-of-sale server.


叕一个 Btc 本地服务了... )

Desktop app to generate EAN-13, EAN-8 and EAN-5 barcodes (other types are coming soon) automatically and save them as PDF or PNG, JPEG GIF image files with several sizes.


是的, 不得不为 win 环境专门嗯哼一个版本... )

For running a local continuous testing environment with tox.


tox 应用的很广, 只是真心名气不显 )

Extracting LinkedIn comments from any post and export it to Excel file.


Excel 的确是 LinkedIn 气质 )

Python 3 script for managing of your twitter account using twitter official api's


所以, 原先 Py2 成功的各种管理工具,将用 Py3 重制? 只是, 依然和中国无关 94 了. )

Example to implement machine learning microservice with gRPC and Docker in Python


所以, 继 ipynb 成为标准教程发布形式后, Docker 将成为标准示例发布形式了?


( ̄▽ ̄)

只需要给出散点数据, 自动生成漂亮的热力图

神奇的是作者同时果断也是位 SiFi 作家: 地球上的背包客 - Backpackers_on_Earth.pdf



大妈的多重宇宙 - YouTube

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