

~ 文章, Blog, 教程...

Sublime text editor comes with its basic setup as a normal text editor. We need some set of plugins to make it useful for any real-time development. In this blog post we list ten plugins that will be useful for your daily python/Django development.

In this post I'd like to share with you some techniques for effectively working with SQLite using Python.

Everyone who touches code has different preferences when it comes to their programming environment. Vim versus emacs. Tabs versus spaces. Virtualenv versus Anaconda. Today I want to share with you my environment for working with data and doing machine learning.


无论哪种都应该配合 pyenv )

I introduce the Python package tmtoolkit which allows to utilize all availabel CPU cores in your machine by computing and evaluating the models in parallel. We will use topic models based on the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) approach by Blei et al., which is the most popular topic model to date.


基于 LDA 技术来突破 Py 应用的CPU 限制.


What happens when we create an object in python class ?


叕一个 Python 内部机制解析嗯哼


I recently gave a talk at PyCon UK in Cardiff about building Quart from Flask and Asyncio. The talk itself is on youtube (linked below) and I’ve made the slides available via google slides (also linked below).

Pandas can be fed a SQL query as a string to return a dataframe.


SQL 实在是无法绕过的一个生产力工具


The YouTube Data api v3 gives us the access to YouTube videos, channels, search, captions, comments and playlists.


非常好,只是... )

Tavern is a pytest plugin, command-line tool and Python library for automated testing of RESTful APIs, with a simple, concise and flexible YAML-based syntax. It’s very simple to get started, and highly customisable for complex tests.


叕一个 RESTful 测试工具, 基于 Yaml?!


PySchemes is a library for validating data structures in Python. PySchemes is designed to be simple and Pythonic.


那什么, 这种面向编程过程, 而不是编译过程的,应该嗯哼的...


In this post I'll show how to write a rudimentary, native x86-64 just-in-time compiler (JIT) in CPython, using only the built-in modules.


JIT 是另外一个优化姿势了...


I'm delighted to announce that Don Jayamanne, the author of the most popular Python extension for Visual Studio Code, has joined Microsoft! Starting immediately, Microsoft will be publishing and supporting the extension. You will receive the update automatically, or visit our Visual Studio Marketplace page and click "Install".

Why do you need autocompletion, and how does it work? My talk at PyCon UK 2017 explains how – and why – we built an in-browser autocompleter for Anvil.




tt (truth table) is a library aiming to provide a Pythonic toolkit for working with Boolean expressions and truth tables. Please see the project site for guides and documentation, or check out for a simple web application powered by this library.


专注 boolean 运算支持的工具


PS: 不相干的



~ 包/模块/库/片段...

Phishing catcher using Certstream.


少见的安全工具 )

An Ubuntu desktop indicator displays prices of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin etc.





A toy programming language for web assembly.




Kubernetes event reporter for Sentry.


K8s 越来越有正统的气象了


A Docker container to notify about Docker events written in Python


叕一个 Docker 容器管理工具


-athena - 0 Stars, 0 Fork

athena is an elegant, minimalist, light-weight static blog generator written in Python. It is based on Flask, Pandoc, and Tufte CSS.





叕一个静态网站生成器, 只是基于 Flask 这种巨型框架?


reobject is an ORM layer for your objects. It allows you to track and query objects at runtime using a familiar query langauge inspired by Django ORM.


叕一个 ORM , 在 SQLAlchemy 之后, 还有机会嘛? )

( ̄▽ ̄)

只需要给出散点数据, 自动生成漂亮的热力图

关键响应非常敏捷, 10.1 长徦期间嗯哼了一下, 立即追加了两个功能: pyheatmap/ at 31d80c89529e194e743e3125d56a189712186c55 · oldj/pyheatmap

神奇的是作者同时果断也是位 SiFi 作家: 地球上的背包客 - Backpackers_on_Earth.pdf

屌炸天的 Jupyter 能力扩展思路...



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