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When you’ve written some great code, you might want to make this available for others to use as well. The pythonic way of sharing a package is making it available on PyPI. Let’s create a simple package and go through the process of publishing it!


简单的说, PyPI 还在独立打造专用软件仓库, 实在是....


Do less work when testing your Python code, but be just as expressive, just as elegant, and just as readable. The pytest testing framework helps you write tests quickly and keep them readable and maintainable—with no boilerplate code. Using a robust yet simple fixture model, it’s just as easy to write small tests with pytest as it is to scale up to complex functional testing for applications, packages, and libraries. This book shows you how.

Movies are magic, and Python is part of what makes that magic possible. We go behind the curtain this week with Dhruv Govil to learn about how Python gets used to bring a movie from concept to completion. He shares the story of how he got started in film, the tools that he uses day to day, and some resources for further learning.


自古就和 3D 电影的看作绑定在一起了,列表一下俺不知道的:

Rez Alembic Geometry Storage Format Fabric Engine Pyblish ... )

I demonstrate the power of the Google BigQuery engine by building a classifier which will predict whether a NY city taxi ride will result in a generous tip or no tip at all. As part of doing this I explore the dataset and look at relationships in the dataset. I also visualize the pickups around the city and the result is a scatterplot which essentially draws the city streets of NY.


Google BigQuery 的又一个 demo )

Daniel ( Co-Author of Two Scoops of Django ) shares how he put Python ( python-docx library ) along with Google Docs to create his latest self-published fiction book.


.docx 的爱恋...


Command line arguments processing library.


简单的说, 哪个顺手哪个就是你最好的... )


还在使用 virtualenv ... 这种中古环境控制技术了... )

In this post, we’ll discuss and illustrate a fast and robust method for face detection using Python and Mxnet.

I noticed recently that Kaggle has an interesting dataset?—?70,000 lines of South Park dialogue. It’s nicely labelled by episode and character. I figured it would be a good practical test for the TF-IDF tools in scikit learn that I’ve been wanting to try recently.


著名 TV 的台词大数据也慢慢公开出来了, 相同的技术可以用来分析各种古典文学作品的... )

David Beazley demonstrates how to use a generator in Python to watch real-time data sources. This is an excerpt from the Pearson video course "Python Programming Language".

Sitting in my 5-hour-long chemistry class, my gaze would often drift over to the periodic table posted on the wall. To pass the time, I began to try finding words I could spell using only the symbols of the elements on the periodic table. Some examples: ScAlEs, FeArS, ErAsURe, WAsTe, PoInTlEsSnEsS, MoISTeN, SAlMoN, PuFFInEsS. I wondered what the longest such word was ('TiNTiNNaBULaTiONS' was the longest one I could come up with). Then I started thinking about how nice it would be to have a tool that could find the elemental spellings of any word. I decided to write a Python program.

lambda operator or lambda function is used for creating small, one-time and anonymous function objects in Python.

Pandas Dataframes generally have an "index", one column of a dataset that gives the name for each row. It works like a primary key in a database table. But Pandas also supports a MultiIndex, in which the index for a row is some composite key of several columns. It's quite confusing at first, here's a simple demo of creating a multi-indexed DataFrame and then querying subsets with various syntax.


Pandas 中最好用也是最嗯哼的, 就是 dataframes 上的索引了... )

Turns out, selling lemonade is a perfect scenario to introduce dynamic pricing and price optimization techniques. In this post, we'll be finding an optimal price for our glasses of lemonade using some basic methodology in Python in order to maximize our revenue.

Analysis and plotting of GPS data using pandas

As Python has gained a lot of traction in the recent years in Data Science industry, I wanted to outline some of its most useful libraries for data scientists and engineers, based on recent experience. And, since all of the libraries are open sourced, we have added commits, contributors count and other metrics from Github, which could be served as a proxy metrics for library popularity.




AWS Lambda is a service that allows you to run code without provisioning a server. This has some interesting possibilities especially when processing data asynchronously. When I first started learning about Lambda most of the examples were about resizing images. I work with PCAP files on a daily basis and have used scapy for several years so thought it would be a good experiment to use Lambda to do some simple PCAP inspection.


~ 包/模块/库/片段...

A small utility to pretty-print Python tracebacks.



效果...再漂亮也不如理智的 logger 哪...


This is the code for "How to Simulate a Self-Driving Car" by Siraj Raval on Youtube.




An API (for Humans) for converting timestamps.


tomchristie/apistar: A smart Web API framework, designed for Python 3. ⚡️



Advanced Hash Manipulation




This code implements a sample CNN model for document classification with tensorflow.

Simple command line tool to query databases


其实, 掌握 SQL 不是坏事儿


A lightweight, regex-based lexer framework for Python.


基于正则表达式的词法分析? 珢神又笑了...


( ̄▽ ̄)

Simiki is a simple wiki framework, written in Python.


知道创宇 成员私人作品 md 的静态维基 )



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