如何在 Python 中处理 JWT

原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #480


  • 210707 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 42 分钟 完成快译
  • 210707 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 37 分钟 完成格式转抄.

Sometimes you need to change the behavior of a function based on the type of argument passed to it. This is a classic example of polymorphism in programming. In this article, you’ll learn how this is typically done in Python, compare that to polymorphism in other languages, and see how the new classes library can make the whole process easier.

One of the great things about Django REST Framework (DRF) is how easy it is to be productive with the built-in API views and permission classes. But sometimes you need a bit more control than the built-in objects allow. This article walks you through how to create and use custom permission classes in DRF so that you can have complete control over how permissions work in your REST API.


这种想绕过框架的尝试, 多数都没能坚持多久...


Pinpoint hard-to-reproduce problems in your production code without affecting your app’s performance with Datadog’s Continuous Profiler. Locate which functions (or lines of code) consume the most resources, such as CPU and memory and optimize for a better app experience. Try Datadog APM free →

In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Python’s Counter to count several repeated objects at once. You’ll also learn how to use Counter objects to enhance other computations that you do in Python.



In Python you can swap the values of two variables without creating a temporary variable. So, if you have two variables a = 1 and b = 2, you can swap their values using a, b = b, a. Now a has the value 2 and b has the value 1. So shouldn’t b, a = a, b do the same thing? In most cases, it will, but one user on Stack Overflow found an instance where they don’t, and the explanation gets into the nitty-gritty about how assignments are evaluated.





Articles, Tutorials and Talks

An Enumlets you restrict variables to a set of constants. You can use them to map values that would typically be strings to integer constants, which helps reduce human error due to misspellings. SQLAlchemy also supports enums for use with your database layer. This article shows you how to generate an SQLAlchemy enum from a Python Enum instance so that your data can live in a single place and be shared between the Python and database layers of your application.


反正连 DB 用 SQLAlchemy 没问题


Jupyter Notebooks are a great way to create reproducible experiments and data analysis, but sometimes you want to alter parameters used in the notebook to see how the results change. One way to do that is with the papermill package. Using papermill, you can execute a notebook with new parameters straight from the command line.

How well do you know your software supply chain? When you PIP install a package, what steps can you take to minimize the risk of installing something malicious? This week on the Real Python Podcast, we have Dustin Ingram, a director of the Python Software Foundation (PSF) and a maintainer of the Python Package Index (PyPI).


Securing )

JavaScript Web Tokens (JWTs) are used to store information about web users. They are compact and can be used to authorize users in APIs. In this article and how to create and verify them in Python using the PyJWT package.

In this course, you’ll learn how to define and call your own Python function. You’ll also learn about passing data to your function and returning data from your function back to its calling environment.


唉嘛, 这个忒基础了, 也最不容易说清楚...




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叕一个面试题库... 讲真, 面试时最想看出来的不是技术实力, 而是: 是否能长期共事.




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可以在终端中直接输出图表, 也就意味着可以输出到 markdown 中; 直接.



JWT 非常流行的一种安全接口约定, 看名字还以为是 JAVA 世界溢出的, 其实只是 JSON 为主体而已


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❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)


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