2019 Python 开发者问卷结果出来了

原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #421



  • 200520 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 42 分钟 完成快译
  • 200520 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 37 分钟 完成格式转抄.

Python and JavaScript are two of the most popular programming languages in the world. In this tutorial, you’ll take a deep dive into the JavaScript ecosystem by comparing Python vs JavaScript. You’ll learn the jargon, language history, and best practices from a Pythonista’s perspective.



没什么可比的, JS 除了是现今唯一一个真正全栈开发语言之外, 基本没什么吸引力, 而且这点也在被 Py 慢慢赶上...

PS: node.js 创始人放弃 node 另开新坑也说明问题所在了.


The results of the 2019 Python Developers Survey, a joint effort from JetBrains and the Python Software Foundation, have been released. Some interesting takeaways: Flask continues to grow as the most popular web framework, about half of Python developers report using pytest for testing, and VS Code continues to grow rapidly in popularity with almost 1/4 Python developers using it as their main editor. Check it out!


仅仅根据 jetbrain 一家内部数据, 也算是代表一部分真实了.


If you commit .pyc files to GitHub, or other public source control repositories, then all of your application secrets, such as AWS credentials and database passwords, can be reconstructed from the bytecode contained in these files.

Did you know that Python caches integers between -5 and 256? That is, these integer values are singletons, which means that any reference to one of them in your code references the same object in memory. Learn why Python does this and more in this short, but informative, article.




The Django ORM is powerful, but also abstract. It can give the illusion that operations are inexpensive. Learn how the ORM works under the hood and how you can optimize Django ORM queries to improve the performance of your web apps.

The PSF is looking for volunteers to participate in a workgroup that will be involved with Python’s migration from bugs.python.org to GitHub.

“Python 3.9 is still in development. This release, 3.9.0b1, is the first of four planned beta release previews. Beta release previews are intended to give the wider community the opportunity to test new features and bug fixes and to prepare their projects to support the new feature release.”


Django 千秋万代一统江湖, 不过, 俺还在用 Bottle.



昨晚刚刚安装上, 编译速度比 2.7.12 还要快




With so many formats for storing structured data, how do you choose which one to use?


历史,都是历史, 现在不都是上 gRPC 用 protobuffer 了?


How well do you know how generator expressions and for loops work?

Do you walrus, coo coo ca choo?



象海象很 益rz.



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

How do you deprecate a Python package that you’ve published to PyPI and want people to stop using? Should you just delete? Check out this guide to several ways to accomplish this task. You can also try the new yank feature supported by PyPI.


yank 的广告.


PEP 554 exposes Python’s existing subinterpreter support so that Python programs can use multiple separate interpreters. The PEP was created in 2017, and the author Eric Snow thinks it’s time to finally accept or reject the proposal.

How do you go about rewriting legacy ETL jobs in Python when you’re not Python developers?


简单说, 嫑用 Python 2 )

In your quest to become a better developer, how do you find Python code that is at your reading level? What are good code bases or projects to study? What are the things holding you back from leveling up your Python literacy? This week we have Cecil Phillip on the show to discuss all of these common questions. Cecil is a Senior Cloud Advocate at Microsoft.


不能简单看 Star 数量了 .


Your next API doesn’t need to be built with REST and JSON. How about gRPC and Protocol Buffers for better performance and structure?


等等, 为什么呢? 怎么就不应该上 RESTful 了?





Data Elixir is an email newsletter that keeps you on top of the tools and trends in Data Science. Curated weekly with top picks from around the web.


等等, 这个难道不是 Elixir 的广告?



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


想用来的, 结果发现本地测试开发环境比 Heroku 复杂100倍, 退散了.



叕一个性能检验器, 不过,这个神奇的能象 htop 那样儿动态展示整个儿运行时资源变化情况排名, 很666




一键找到 膝盖; 这名字起的太传神了.



意思是, 解开巨型 .zip 早已不用看内存眼色了?



print(list(map(f[_[0]], ['omg', 'wtf', 'bbq'])))
# ['o', 'w', 'b']

print(list(reduce(f[_ + _], ['omg', 'wtf', 'bbq'])))
# 'omgwtfbbq

嗯哼? 宏这根魔法大棍也混入 Python 了?


神奇的是, Python 自古就有 AST 自省, 但是, 一直没有成熟的宏机制...



永远的 pdf , 很难想象很多技术, 都是一发明就已经完满, 几乎没有改进的余地.





📆🐍 活动/大会

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心





❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

101camp8py 已经开始报名(能开发票 ;-)


    报名截止 2020.5.24
    正式开课 2020.5.31
    课程结束 2020.7.12

详情 => 蟒营™ Python 入门班第8期


NN 4019

好文笔,感叹号年度配额: 1/3



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就是四处 是也乎,( ̄▽ ̄) 的那个大妈:

私自嗯哼: ZoomQuiet (订阅号: ZoomQuiet42)
公开课程: 蟒营 (订阅号: Mainium)
历史吐糟: Chaos42 (订阅号 PythoniCamp)

as 创始组织者:
    PyChina (订阅号: PyChinaOrg)
        GDG珠海 (订阅号: GDG-ZhuHai)
        TFUG珠海 (订阅号: ZH_TFUG)


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