原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #386


  • 190918 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 42 分钟 完成快译
  • 190918 Zoom.Quiet(大妈) 用时 17 分钟 完成格式转抄.

The submission deadlines are: Tutorial proposals are due November 22, 2019. Talk, Charlas, Poster, and Education Summit proposals are due December 20, 2019.


对比 PyCon China 2019

我们才开始, 人家已经面向 2020 了... 其实, 这才是应该的节奏;

不过, 今年 PyCon19中国, 扩张到6个城市, 也是世界之最了.

欢迎来嗯哼, 俺也去其中一个, 猜, 哪个?


Explore the similarities and differences you'll find when comparing Python vs C++. You'll learn about memory management, virtual machines, object-oriented programming differences, and much more.



其实, C++ 是创始人都在警告: 想想瓦萨号 的一种失控语言


A draft PEP that proposes adding a new fully persistent and immutable mapping type called frozenmap to the collections module in the Python standard library.


不可变量是系统安全的基础, 可惜...


"There are large distinctions between the two programming languages, but I'll try to give the most notable that I encountered–as I approached Java from a Python-heavy background."

The Python-powered tech stack of a one-person company (ListenNotes podcast search engine).


单人企业就得优先选择 无聊技术栈; 终于, Python 从 PHP 手中抢走了这一称号.


How Instagram uses types to document and enforce a contract for their Python HTTP APIs.



Also see the related discussion on Hacker News.


在企业世界 Python 到底流行卟?



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Learn how to use PyGame. This library allows you to create games and rich multimedia programs in Python. You'll see how to draw items on your screen, implement collision detection, handle user input, and much more!



其实, PyGame 才是 Python 世界中最受欢迎的 GUI 框架.


"Inspired by an actual incident we had in one of our systems caused by an Export to Excel functionality implemented in Python, we go through the process of identifying the problem, experimenting and benchmarking different solutions."


其实, 特别想说声: 活该


"With 35 million lines of Python code, the Athena trading platform is at the core of JPMorgan's business operations. A late start to migrating to Python 3 could create a security risk."


JP魔根曰了, 俺不升级...


There are two ways to select a Series from a DataFrame: "dot notation" and "bracket notation" (square brackets). Find out which one you should use, and why.




How Python looks up object attributes like obj.name using a "instance, class, parent, object" search algorithm.


OOP 是邪魔...叕来一堆新缩写.


Why you should (almost) never delete a bad release from PyPI—and what to do as a package maintainer instead.




A Python "gotcha" involving floating point numbers and tuples.


Python 暗黑旮旯故事...



URI 安全用



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code





From Python to Silicon!

嗯哼, 这个 Slogan 够梗的...







awesome 已经是github 第一子品牌了... )

📆🐍 活动/大会

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心


大妈去 南宁 嗯哼 )


DjangoGirls 活动大放光芒的社区...



❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

第3期已经上线, 为期6周


没想到触发出一个 DoIs ~ 真正实用的 AI 落地方向: 辅助识别野外白海豚...



NN 3774


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