原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #361


In this intermediate-level tutorial, you'll learn how to use threading in your Python programs. You'll see how to create threads, how to coordinate and synchronize them, and how to handle common problems that arise in threading.


真蟒, 系列插图, 真香...



A great explanation of Python's argument-passing semantics.






Step by step post about how the author used Python's decorator feature to change a piece of user facing functionality without breaking existing user code that uses it.




Brett breaks down the famous Python-related xkcd #1987 comic in an attempt to try an de-mystify what has happened to the artist's laptop. Fun read!



对 1987 号漫画的详细解析...痛泪满面...


Learn the fundamentals of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python and how to work with classes, objects, and constructors.


叕一次, OOP 了 Python


Read the changelog here







Articles, Tutorials and Talks

How to turn Django Admin into a lightweight dashboard by adding a chart and a summary table. Recommended reading for Django Admin hackers :)




Get comfortable with Django migrations and learn how to create database tables without writing any SQL, how to automatically modify your database after you changed your models, and how to revert changes made to your database.


Migrations 这是 Django 强大的工具, 也是持有的问题..



How to use async/await in wxPython with the wxasync library.

How to use Docker containers to sandbox the complex inner workings of a Python command-line (CLI) application.

Learn the basics of Docker multi-stage builds for Python apps.


Docker 也没办法一把解决 Python 运行时环境问题... )

"Building your own disassembly tooling for fun and profit."

Going from monoliths to microservices, and back?




With for and while loops in Python, the else clause is executed if the loop reached its natural end without encountering a break statement.


Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

The biggest change is that PyPy now uses utf-8 internally for unicode strings.




Microsoft launched a static type checker for Python, written in TypeScript. They claim that "Pyright is typically 5x or more faster than mypy and other type checkers that are written in Python."


已经被刷屏的 M$ 家 PEP8 作品. )





iTerm 2 is a fantastic terminal emulator for macOS. And now it has a spiffy new Python API.


嗯哼? 可以说喜大普奔?



实效数据科学工作流? 就是数据清洗的标准化?


📆🐍 活动/大会


A historic discussion of language creators about the past and future of language design. Great lineup of guests, including Guido.


❤️ Happy Pythonic!



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