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Python 3.7 benefitted from both new functionality and optimizations. From what we know so far about 3.8, it’s going to be a similar story. This time, most of the new functionality is targeted at C extension and module development. Based on the existing, Python Enhancement Proposals, or “PEPs” that have been submitted for 3.8 we have a good grasp on what features are likely to be included. I’ve put together a PEP-Explorer UI here for 3.8.


总之, 为了吸引大家进入 py3 世界, PEP 的嗯哼也加速了 )

Do you write Python software that uses the network, opens files, or accepts user input? Of course you do! That's what almost all software does. But these actions can let bad actors exploit mistakes and oversights we've made to compromise our systems. Python is safer than some languages, but there are plenty of issues to be careful about. That's why Anthon Shaw and Anthony Langsworth are joining me to discuss Python security.


用 Python 开发软件的常见嗯哼...

其实吧, 嘦不是运行在 windows 环境中的都很好解决



其实吧, 这种比例早已没什么必要了


A list-like type with fun functionality. Extents the builtin list with .NET's Language Intagrated Queries (Linq) and more. Write clean code with powerful syntax. Forget about messy loops, conditions and list comprehensions.


传说 LINQ 是项非常嗯哼的技术...然后...


While preparing the post on minimal char-based RNNs, I coded a simple Markov chain text generator to serve as a comparison for the quality of the RNN model. That code turned out to be consice and quite elegant (IMHO!), so it seemsed like I should write a few words about it. It's so short I'm just going to paste it here in its entirety, but this link should have it in a Python file with some extra debugging information for tinkering, along with a sample input file.

The rising adoption of Amazon's Alexa and Google Assistant brings a lot of amazing possibilities for developers. I'm going to show you the basic concepts of building voice user interfaces and how to build a simple Alexa skill. And since there's plenty of "hello world" Alexa tutorials on the internet, we're going to build something more interesting. Something that you can literally play with.


AWS lamda 虽然是开创性的微服务形态,但还没有成为标准


This post is part of a series introducing the speakers at the PyBay2018 conference in San Francisco this August. It’s a great chance to learn and connect with an engaged and diverse community of Python developers. We hope you’ll join us!

In the previous tutorial, we learned about setting up and configuring some basic settings of django-allauth. If you have not yet read it, I recommend you read it here. You can proceed if you have completed the basic setup and configuration. This article deals with customizing django-allauth signup forms, intervening in registration flow to add custom process and validations. Social logins and their customizations discussed in the next article.


Django 早已成功进入复杂到一眼看不出问题的境界了


DBSCAN is a popular clustering algorithm which is fundamentally very different from k-means.




While you might get away with not writing unit tests for very simple Rest API endpoints, doing the same for celery tasks is recipe for frustration (and disaster). Celery tasks are asynchronous by design and therefore a lot harder to get a grip on using a “development driven development” approach. Test Driven Development (TDD) might not have taken us to the promised land we had hoped for, but when it comes to celery tasks, it most definitely is essential to a sane, effective and efficient development process - and having that peace of mind when releasing your code into production.




A little command-line interface (CLI) utility written in Python to help you count files, grouped by extension, in a directory. By default, it will count files recursively in current working directory and all of its subdirectories, and will display a table showing the frequency for each file extension (e.g.: .txt, .py, .html, .css) and the total number of files found.





~ 包/模块/库/片段...

Experiments with Adam/AdamW/amsgrad

A docker environment for Bitcoin/LN


反正空气币的嗯哼是越来越方便了... )

A small tool that generates 640x640 gif of chess pgn




  • gle
    • 25 Stars, 3 Fork

A tiny but functional google searcher lib.


Glee ?


Download facebook videos from your terminal


同感觉工具作者 youtube-dl 的嗯哼?





Simple Tensorflow implementation of "Switchable Normalization"



叕一种... 支持的越越嗯哼



A self driving car model for humans.


嗯哼? 现在自动驾驶已经泛滥到这种程度了?


好吧, 这就 监介 了...


A Face Recognition system that works in real time!






sort files using python


工程名用 .py 后缀的实在是直男 )

Quickstart your Python project with a single handy command.




Smarties is a Text Classifier using an innovative method based on Wikipedia to classify any documents/text. We use a Machine Learning and Doc2Vec algorithms.




  • naz
    • 0 Stars, 0 Fork

naz is an SMPP client. It's name is derived from Kenyan hip hop artiste, Nazizi.


好久没见 SMPP 的嗯哼了


( ̄▽ ̄)




30 Amazing Python Projects for the Past Year (v.2018) 其中有几个国货,也都超过 1000+星了...

<- Qix-/better-exceptions: Pretty and useful exceptions in Python, automatically. 效果惊艳...



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