原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #378


In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll create a Flask application that lets users sign in using their Google login. You'll learn about OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect and also find out how to implement some code to handle user session management.





"Some years ago someone asked whether it would make sense to switch Python to a PEG parser. [... ] I looked into it a bit and wasn't sure what to think, so I dropped the subject. Recently I've learned more about PEG (Parsing Expression Grammars), and I now think it's an interesting alternative to the home-grown parser generator that I developed 30 years ago when I started working on Python."



有趣, 但是, 只能放弃.


"pip will continue to ensure that it runs on Python 2.7 after the CPython 2.7 EOL date. Support for Python 2.7 will be dropped, if bugs in Python 2.7 itself make this necessary (which is unlikely) or Python 2 usage reduces to a level where pip maintainers feel it is OK to drop support. The same approach is used to determine when to drop support for other Python versions."



无论 官方是否支持 Py2 代码, 海量 Py2 only 的包是应该长久支持的.


Python provides a logging system as a part of its standard library, so you can quickly add logging to your application. In this course, you'll learn why using this module is the best way to add logging to your application as well as how to get started quickly, and you will get an introduction to some of the advanced features available.


视频教程,如何日志... 不过,这事儿, 在Python 不是太困难, 而是太容易, 以至难以决定用哪种姿势...


"A delayed job processor (also called a background processor, asynchronous task queue, etc.) is a software system that can run code at a later time. Examples of such software includes Celery, Resque, Sidekiq, and others. In this post we will try and understand how these things work by building a clone/replica of such software."

Three tools (pyenv, pipx, pipenv) make for smooth, isolated, reproducible Python developer and production environments.


混合这么多环境管理工具, 怎么叫简洁呢?




"As a Python 3.8 learning exercise, I'm using the walrus operator, / notation, and f= at every opportunity and then evaluating the result for clarity."


也就是说, 现在的 Python 版本是

OPP ~ 面向最佳实践编程?


"Want to use NumPy without importing it? You can access all of its functionality from within pandas... "



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

"In this article I want to discuss mixins: what they are, how they work, and when they're useful. Hopefully after reading this brief article you will be ready to experiment with this pattern yourself in your own projects."


别写类,就是纯粹模块了 )

In this tutorial, you will learn about learning rate schedules and decay using Keras. You'll learn how to use Keras' standard learning rate decay along with step-based, linear, and polynomial learning rate schedules.

In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll learn how to use the NumPy arange() function, which is one of the routines for array creation based on numerical ranges. np.arange() returns arrays with evenly spaced values.






An interview with Russell Keith-Magee about identifying potential black swan events for the Python ecosystem and how to address them for the future of the language and its community.

A standalone Python script can come with a discoverable interface a documentation and some tests to keep it useful a year later.


可维护? 写简单的代码, 确保自己20年后, 也看的懂;



Why running migrations on application startup are a bad idea (potential database corruption & downtime) and what to do instead.

Part 16 in Ruslan's amazing tutorial series on building a scripting language interpreter using Python, from scratch.



有手绘图的教程 ;-)


A step-by-step refactoring journey from simple fizzbuzz script to a cleaned up and "production-ready" piece of code.


这点是 Python 永远的痛... 除非能象 go/rust 那样, 提供一键生成无依赖,独立运行应用文件


Python is eating the world! Related discussion on Hacker News.

Testing open-source Python on several operating systems using Travis for continous integration.


反模式和坏实践, 值得收藏, 铭记




然后再接入 OCR 就能完成对 PDF 内容的识别了






Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code



CLI 的潜力远没发挥



叕一个虚拟环境管理工具, 这次用 ord 指令.

结合了 Pipenv 和 Pyenv 的优点.



其实, 只是想能稳定的兼容不标准 JSON 而已.




这勺子, 值得嗯哼



Models | StanfordNLP




不妥协之后, 专注 鲁棒性的分析器也来了...




叕一个 图论计算 框架


📆🐍 活动/大会

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球线下活动组织中心


❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

开始报名, 190725截止, 最后 42 小时

课程: 0728~0908

~ helps you setup a new Python project


Do With Py

总是永远有人问这个问题... 当然, 这个问题任何一个技术社区都有人在问...

其实, 本质上并不是对应技术是否有什么能力, 而是相反...



必须 Pythonic 相关


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