原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #375


"Łukasz Langa, who is the release manager for the upcoming 3.8 release, as well as the manager for the date-to-be-determined release of 3.9, has proposed PEP 596 ("Python 3.9 Release Schedule (doubling the release cadence)"). As its name would imply, the PEP proposes halving the current release cycle to nine months, which would make the 3.9 release happen in June 2020."


事实证明, 开源项目版本攀爬速度,和基金会储备金数额呈正比关系


What would a minimal Python standard library (only enough code to successfully download and install other packages) look like? Nice research and writeup.



其实, miniPy 之类项目早已完成了这种鉴定


Learn how to approach functional programming in Python. You'll cover what functional programming is, how you can use immutable data structures to represent your data, as well as how to use filter(), map(), and reduce().


真蟒的 FP.py 嗯哼...


"Building robots seems expensive and complicated. However, it turns out that it's relatively straightforward. Do you have an IQ higher than 90 and assorted random garbage lying around your house? Then you too can make a robot in a reasonably small amount of time."


叕一则和 RPi 来相关的嗯哼


In this step-by-step tutorial, you'll cover how to use both Redis and its Python client library. You'll learn a bite-sized slice of Redis itself and master the redis-py client library.




"This is a subjective, primarily developer-ergonomics-based comparison of the three languages from the perspective of a Python developer"


WoW 可见, Python 性能并没差太多...在数据量足够大时...

另外, 还有一种可能没测试:

indygreg/PyOxidizer: A modern Python application packaging and distribution tool

用 Rust 将 Python 再编译后...


Intro to SymPy, a Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple as possible in order to be comprehensible and easily extensible.


目标不是数值计算, 而是 计算机代数系统 (CAS)




Text version of an interesting talk about making technology choices by Dan McKinley. Related Hacker News discussion here.


所以, 俺一直说 PHP 是最好的语言



WoW 超越 JAVA...可以说, Python 已经变成更加无聊的技术了



Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Adam built a high-accuracy parking space notification system with Python and Deep Learning. Very cool!

How to add custom GDB commands and pretty printers using the Python API.


是否用 TDD 和是否上 GDB 是Python 开发阶段两大分水岭...


This post walks through the demo code from a talk given at DockerCon. It includes a CI/CD pipeline for a Python Flask app. The pipeline builds a Docker image, pushes the image to Docker Hub, and kicks off a deployment script which will run the app in a container on a DigitalOcean server.




"I've definitely experienced situations where I had to sit in a room with lots of people and felt more and more tired the longer I spent in the room. I had never considered that this is more than just being bored, that there might be a physiological reason for this feeling."


随着 Raspberry Pi 4 的上市, 主力板上开发语言 Python 也就嗯哼起来了

CO₂ Monitor


Extracting contact information from emails using supervised machine learning algorithms.


Spam 识别基础姿势, 经典.


Test your understanding of concurrency and parallel programming concepts in Python, such as the difference between CPU-bound and I/O-bound programs, the GIL, and more.




A look at some of the main ways to use NumPy and how it can represent different types of data like tables, images, text, etc.



走心了, 非常好的可视化概念系列图...


Learn how to set up continuous integration and deployment for your Python projects using Semaphore, a cloud-based CI/CD service.


徒手 CI ?


Learn to build your own smart baby monitor using Python, a Raspberry Pi, peripheral sensors and the Twilio API for sending SMS.


这个明显用国内 AliYun 相同功能 API 也可以快速完成的

Baby Monitor


How to configure your host machine to connect to these systems and remotely perform Python development.


嗯哼? 硬件和 VPS 一视同仁了? 嚓, CV 专家给出了一系列远程嗯哼的姿势, 可以说非常嗯哼了...



叕一组新手常见手残行为检查表... 其实... PEP8 相关守则足够了.



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


叕一个交互 CLI 构造辅助库, 强化连续引导的嗯哼...






import easyfile

data = easyfile.TextFile('/path/to/text')

data[0] # Access the first line of your text
data[-1] # Access the last line of your text
data[10:100] # Access the 10th line to the 100 the line of your text

等等, 怎么就随机了?




Heroku 次生兵器...可见其生态多丰茂






📆🐍 活动/大会








❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

应该 190704 开始报名


~ helps you setup a new Python project


Do With Py

总是永远有人问这个问题... 当然, 这个问题任何一个技术社区都有人在问...

其实, 本质上并不是对应技术是否有什么能力, 而是相反...





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