原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #373


Learn how to create a Python package for your project and how to publish it to PyPI, the Python Package Repository with this step-by-step tutorial. Quickly get up to speed on everything from naming your package to configuring it using setup.py.



虽然教程很多, 但是, 有专用题图的不多.


"A rare opportunity to compare implementations of large programs that all did the same thing, written by friends I knew were highly competent, and have a fairly pure opportunity to see what difference design and language choices could make."

"We need a newer, leaner, unburdened 'kernel' Python. We need to dump the whole standard library out on the floor, adding back only the smallest bits that we need, so that we can tell what is truly necessary and what's just nice to have."

"The magic file main.py is called when you run your project with the -m module flag. If you code is intended to be used a module first, and command line interface second, this makes perfect sense to use. Think of it as a place we can put whatever would be in our body of our if name === "main" statement."

"To further increase the security of Python package downloads, we're adding a new beta feature to the Python Package Index: WebAuthn support for U2F compatible hardware security keys as a two-factor authentication (2FA) login security method."

"The 4 available seats go to: Lorena Mesa @loooorenanicole , Kushal Das @kushaldas, Marlene Mhangami @marlene_zw, and Jannis Leidel @jezdez. Congratulations to Lorena, Kushal, Marlene, and Jannis!"

A short introduction to the (confusingly named) concept of dynamic programming with Python.




Articles, Tutorials and Talks

"I will try to explain how you can start contributing to CPython borrowing from some few ways I have used and found to work for me."


详解, 如何为 CPython 贡献


"Python's for loops don't work the way for loops do in other languages. In this article we're going to dive into Python's for loops to take a look at how they work under the hood and why they work the way they do."

Tired of Conda-installing? Automatically build your Python runtime environment with the packages you need: Automatically resolve dependencies, install in a virtual environment with a single command, build Python 2.7 and 3.6 on Linux and Windows. Learn more →




In this step-by-step Python tutorial, you'll learn how to take your command line Python scripts to the next level by adding a convenient command line interface that you can write with argparse.



Argparse 不错...只是... Click 们更加现代.


"Functional Programming vs. Imperative Programming, the Nature of R Programming versus Python Programming, Data Science Tasks all determine what programming language to use in Data Science Project."


反正, 数据清洗什么的 Py 最顺手... )

"Sometimes, we need code from one language to call code written in another language directly. In this post, we'll take a short look at how to do that using C foreign function interfaces (FFI) as a way to call functions written in Go using Python."


C 永远丢不了


"Installing dependencies separately from your code allows you to take advantage of Docker's layer caching. Here's how to do it with pipenv, poetry, or pip-tools."


测试过, 上 Docker 比 Pipenv 祼跑至少多4倍空间, 每次 )

On NodeJS and Python interoperability.


嗯哼, 这个可以有 )


嗯哼? 这是刚需哪... 只是依赖 C++ 写的包装器.我



Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code


类似 flake8 的 EPE8 工具, 原本就应该集成到仓库中, 但是....所以, ....






将 Jupyter 笔记直接发布为 we 应用? 好思路哪...



Linux 一直没放弃游戏平台



叕一个 VSCode 的 py 可视化插件



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❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-(大妈私人无责任播报)

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7牛 应该是亚洲最大单体 golang 服务了, 从创始之初就一直给 CPyUG 系列社区以渠道联盟的待遇, 提供空间和流量, 长期用下来, 对比其它 CDN 是真的好用...

CLI 工具最舒服的一家了.


下期应该 7月1


~ helps you setup a new Python project


Do With Py

总是永远有人问这个问题... 当然, 这个问题任何一个技术社区都有人在问...

其实, 本质上并不是对应技术是否有什么能力, 而是相反...





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