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Python 3.7 has new feature to show time for importing modules. This feature is enabled with -X importtime option or PYTHONPROFILEIMPORTTIME environment variable.


Py3.7 果断划出很多精力来提升速度 )

If you’ve ever worked on a text and wished you could get a list of characters or see how many times each character was mentioned, this is the tutorial for you.


NLP 基础分析需求叕一次工具化


Sailing into the last two weeks of 2017 that I fully intended to spend experimenting with various eggnog recipes. I was alerted by our DevOps team that our asyncio app was consuming 10GB of memory. That is approximately 100 times more than it should!


等等, Python 也有内存嗯哼问题? 一个从 10亿回到100M 的故事 )

DjangoCon JP is a conference for the Django Web framework in Japan. If you're a seasoned Django pro or just starting, DjangoCon JP is for you. Our goal is for atendees to meet, talk, share tips, discover new ways to use Django, and, most importantly, have FUN.


国外的技术大会世家都是年初, 中国的在年尾...所以, 基于文化还是经济原因呢? )

If you want to write clear and easy to understand software, make sure it has a single success path. A 'single success path' means a few things. First, it means that any given function/method/procedure should have a single clear purpose.




This series is written for an audience with a rudimentary understanding of linear algebra, probability, neural networks, and TensorFlow. Knowledge of recent advances in Deep Learning, generative models will be helpful in understanding the motivations and context underlying these techniques, but they are not necessary.

So, you want to write an agent, competing in the OpenAI Gym, you want to use Keras or TensorFlow or something similar and you don’t want everything installed on your workstation? You have come to the right place!


随着 tensorflow 工具链的增长,这个 Docker 的体积当然的将越来越嗯哼


Even though Coinbase has a mobile application so you’re able to check your balance on the go, I prefer using their API instead so I can setup custom alerts not available on their platform.


Coinbase, 哈, 一看名字就知道是相关什么


Sharing a way to manage libraries like bootstrap, jquery with bower without using any external app.


所以, PHP 发明之初就内置的工具, Django 一直在嗯哼 )

In this post, we will use H2O AutoML for auto model selection and tuning. This is an easy way to get a good tuned model with minimal effort on the model selection and parameter tuning side.


叕一个 AI 框架.



~ 包/模块/库/片段...

Just a really simple, insecure and incomplete implementation of a blockchain for a cryptocurrency made in Python as educational material. In other words, a simple Bitcoin clone.


叕一个 blockchain 的开发框架, 纯Python 实现.


当然, 基于 Btc 的软分叉


LanguageCrunch NLP server docker image.


细思恐极, 好象一个开发工具没有 Docker 镜像发行版就不正规似的..


A (book, website) that decribes how to Python, from scratch.

Python script to simulate the display from "The Matrix" in terminal. Uses half-width katakana unicode characters by default, but can use custom character sets. Accepts keyboard controls while running. Based on CMatrix.


叕一个 Matrix 屏保工具 screenshot1

2000年左右, 俺用 Flash 实现过一次... 只是,当前这个仅支持 Py3


Named Entity Recognition based on dictionaries.


spaCy <~ 的辅助工具, 叕一个 NLP 分析框架


miniature redis-like server implemented in Python.


叕一个 redis样 再制DB


BigONE Exchange API python implementation for automated trading.


叕一个 多幣種全球交易平台 的接口, 神奇的是私人作品, 没有通过组织仓库来组织


Django Quiz Application

Automatically get lyrics for the song currently playing in Spotify from command line.


叕一个 spotify 扩展工具, 所以, 一个流行服务没有稳定的公开接口体系, 那真心没有各种场景中的专用工具出来;

那么, 进一步的, 新的用户需求也将无法浮现...


AWS Security Checks.

Script for tracking file system changes.

Simple GraphQL Client.


什么是 GraphQL? <- RESTful 系统的 SQL, 叕一个 DSL 专门服务于 API 系统...


py-fake-rs: a fake data generator for python, backed by fake-rs in rust.


叕一个 Mock 类工具, 但是, 用 Rust 来扩展是几个意思?


JSON command line parser.


嗯哼, 一个管道流中的处理工具


Extends Django's cached_db session backend.

( ̄▽ ̄)

30 Amazing Python Projects for the Past Year (v.2018) 其中有几个国货,也都超过 1000+星了...


<- Qix-/better-exceptions: Pretty and useful exceptions in Python, automatically. 效果惊艳...



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